Perth zedders, event preference.....

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Jinxed, May 18, 2012.


What event interests you most?

Poll closed Jun 1, 2012.
  1. Paintballing

  2. Darklight

  3. Pool competition

  4. Go-Karting

  5. Poker Night

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    as something a little different, im looking at running a aus300 event without the cars.....

    please vote for the options that appeal to you the most, and ill put something together for us.

    This is a WA event, so eastern staters please refrain from voting hehe
  2. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    you can vote for multiple items on the poll as well..........
  3. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    if you are going to say no cars, move away from go carting IMO.. we have cars to drive,

    plus much rather shot people....

    HOWEVER... paintballing can get expensive when you are buying round after round, we normally spend $200 a sesh on paint ball for everything.

    Pool.. mmm meh too slow and unexciting

    Zone 3 etc is good fun if you have drinks before hand and get right into it... but fk me some 8 year old girls are like ninjas at that thing!

    Poker is always good, happy to take your money... stogies and scotch is a must, i have a big chip set if needed

    PS, ross, you know that voting for everything makes no effect to the final score :/
  4. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    we will probly end up doing a few of these things, but lets see whats popular and go from there!!!!

    people can of course bring the zeds, but im trying to create a event for those without them as well, and plus its fun to mix it up a little....
  5. Brock32

    Brock32 Active Member

    Top stuff Ross.
    Looking forward to whatever we end up doing
  6. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    soooo you're open to trying new things?
  7. Brock32

    Brock32 Active Member

    Two drinks and I will do anything...
  8. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

  9. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    looking at doing the most popular item on the list in say, a months time?

    give or take....
  10. Chilledpain

    Chilledpain Z Reaper

    Wooot! Looks like poker is the go! Gimme ur money bitches!
  11. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    yeah im kinda hoping for more responses than just the 6 voters we have as of now lol....
  12. michandy

    michandy Active Member


    2 drinks and I'm Anybody's :p
  13. michandy

    michandy Active Member

    He he

    poker night sounds good;), pool comp, I can bring my cue :p
    Whatever is decided will be a good idea and i'm sure we can drink copiouse amounts of whatever :zlove:
    Andy :cool:
  14. kthnxbye

    kthnxbye Krstn

    I'm keen for anything providing its during my time off! Just as a heads up, i have the 17th-30th of july off work :p
  15. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    well look slike a poker night followed by a gokartig day are the favourites so far........

    vote away though wa, ive left the window to vote in the poll open till 1/6
  16. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    ok poker night night is winning, so heres what i propose....if its the eventual winner....

    select persons house to have it at.....whos got a poker table? and chips?

    we should have a $20 optional buy in for those wanting to win some money, with the option to just play for fun as well(no buy in, but no opportunity to win money lol)

    peoples thoughts?
  17. michandy

    michandy Active Member

    We got chips but no poker table.
  18. Mongrel 295

    Mongrel 295 89 Z32 TT 2+0 J-spec

    paintball. bring it on ,,!,, (>.<) ,,!,,
  19. michandy

    michandy Active Member

    we have

    hey mate, we have a poker mat and a box of chips.
    I play poker at work on breaks, mainly Texas holdem, Draw, Jacks or better and Omaha. We play just for fun but can I suggest that we could play for 10 or 20cents a chip with a maximum bet of $1 or $2. this way it keeps it enjoyable and not too expensive
    Where were you looking at for a venue?
  20. Vader

    Vader Just another guy

    Sorry Ross, not into any of those choices. I'm sure that whatever you come up with will be enjoyed by all those attending. :cool:

    Only replying as you seemed to want to know that more than six (or so) people have read/replied/voted.

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