need a bit of help:-(

Discussion in 'Technical' started by nva218, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. nva218

    nva218 New Member

    Hi all. im in melbourne forthe weekend and i am putting a alarm in my brothers z. my question is what is the black box under the drivers seat for? the old alarm wires went ti it and im not sure if it would have controlled the central lockin or not any help is appriciated. Thanks again
  2. Owen_120

    Owen_120 imaginary

    Ive owned 3 zeds and none of them have had a "black box" with wiring running to it under the drivers seat, so im assuming that it is aftermarket, could be the alarm module from an old alarm? how many wires are running to it?
  3. nva218

    nva218 New Member

    there is alot of wires and im sure it is for the old alarm would there be a seperate box for the central loocking?
  4. Owen_120

    Owen_120 imaginary

    I believe the usual way the zed works is by switching the polarity of the wires that go to the actuator, i do believe that there is a module somewhere but you dont really need to go looking for that if you have all the wires from the old alarm right at the drivers seat, all you need to do is test to see what wires do what, at this point a multimeter or at the very least a test light is your friend. There will be a constant power, a switched power (either acc, ignition or start to tell the alarm that the car is being started) there will be more than likely 2 wires going to the blinkers to make the flash when the car is locked/unlocked, a ground (possibly more than 1), there should be 6 wires that all link into the central locking (2 are joined together to go to constant power, 2 are joined together to go to ground and the last 2 will go to the central locking of the car.) and a wire coming from the alarm to the siren. There could be other wires depending on what other functions the alarm has/had. i.e boot release, separate trigger for the boot, immobiliser relays, remote start,...
  5. Wrathlon

    Wrathlon Member

    I just recently did my alarm, and I'm assuming that under the seat is just where they put the main control module as the electric seat plug would provide easy access to voltage etc in a hidden place.

    Mine is up under the dash.

    Has voltage wires (constant and ACC), light control wires to flash the lights, horn control wires, circuit for the central locking, imobiliser circuit, circuit for the siren, boot unlock and the shock sensors as well as an LED circuit for the red flashing "This car has an alarm in it" light.

    Depending on the type of alarm there may be extra relays and stuff to make the central locking go (there is in mine).

    One tip - when you wire the door pin switch, wire it to the wire from the relay that controls the interior light from the doors. It behaves in the same way as the door pin switch (12v when closed, ground when door opened) but will allow you to trigger the alarm off both doors and the boot with one wire.
  6. Owen_120

    Owen_120 imaginary

    Unless your alarm is like mine and it controls the boot and the door alarms separately i.e when you pop the boot it doesnt unlock the doors but it allows you to open the boot without the alarm going off however if you pop the boot and then go around and manually open the doors it will set the alarm off. you can just connect the 2 door switches together in this case.
  7. aazn

    aazn New Member

    my first thought was proximity sensor.. like sensing if something came into the car..

    but if there are heaps of wires coming out of it than it could be an alarm.

    really have to see it to tell you.

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