Do stickers shit you off that much?

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Anti, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. MoulaZX

    MoulaZX #TEAMROB

    Mate, 3... you're giving me crap for 3? lol. If I had all the bloody ones you listed, shit, THEN yea you're justified. :p

  2. MoulaZX

    MoulaZX #TEAMROB

    /sad face... :(


    URHYNS Well-Known Member

    ....m&m's are better than smarties.

  4. 300ZXC


    I was actually intending that to be a semi-serious post in agreement with your choice of stickering, then I couldn't be bothered being serious and had some fun instead :p
  5. stevearm77

    stevearm77 NA Compression + TT Boost

    My thoughts exactly, along with stoopid lambo doors they make a Z look raped! Don't do it!!
  6. Hidds

    Hidds THAT annoying guy....

    each to their own....

    i dont mind the odd "ricer" sticker here and there (we do drive jap cars afterall)

    all i have on my car are
    Tow Point Stickers
    Battery Location Decal
    Forum Stickers
    "You Like This" sticker
    Race Style National Flag (australia)

    i seem to get alot of jokes based on the tow points but its actually handy for the towies when they try and figure where the hell they can hook up on the front of my Z

    everyones gonna cop shit for one thing or another... be it rims (like me) or body styling (like arashi :rofl:)
  7. Roadeater

    Roadeater Warrior of the Wasteland

    ZOMFG! You said his name! He hasn't shown his ugly mug here for a while but now you've spoke of the Devil! ... :( WHY?????? It's like one of them old time horror movies; to say his name is to invoke his spirit. Oh no, the consequences, THE CONSEQUENCES!!!!! :eek:
  8. Hidds

    Hidds THAT annoying guy....

    lol i dont mind him... ive met heaps of tolls in my time, he is quite epic, but in small doses brings humour
  9. MoulaZX

    MoulaZX #TEAMROB

    *Shakes his fist at the interwebs*

    ...Sometimes its hard to decipher text on a screen, lol.

  10. kthnxbye

    kthnxbye Krstn

    The only sticker I've got on my zed is on my rear window at the very top in the middle and it says "GET YOUR C*** OUT YOU SLUT"
    Cause I think it's funny. Very socially inappropriate. The police officer told me I was an animal too haha. But there's no chance of reading it unless you're standing right next to the car
  11. parker

    parker Been around for a bit

    That officer is right

    You're an animal :) My aus300zx stickers are on my VN lol. I drive it more than the Zed, therefore giving the site more advertising time :)

    On the downside it could encourage other falcadore owners to check the site out and bring dare I say it...More skidmarkz :D
  12. silver300zx

    silver300zx New Member

    i think they look terrible especially the jdm as **** ones id swear it makes no sence , **** isnt even a japanese thing well its not really anything so how can any comparison be made either way there pretty much just cop bait .

    How do the jdm sticker lovers feel about commodore utes with big rims and jet pilot stickers on the back :D ive noticed they really annoy my mates with the more jdm style cars
  13. rob260

    rob260 Administrator Staff Member

    Yes I think they look ridiculous as well....
  14. 300ZXC


    They don't annoy me, but they certainly evoke a sense of superiority.
  15. Roadeater

    Roadeater Warrior of the Wasteland

    Just a bit of an after-thought (as I am one of the sticker non-fans), I should admit that I do have a sticker on my daily, which reads "I'd rather be driving my 300ZX". Now THAT is the only sticker that belongs on a car unless it's for sponsorship/advertising purposes, anything else just makes the Z look like a painted whore.
  16. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    At least your stickers generate interest, not piss people off. :)
  17. new_noise

    new_noise Zip ties ftw

    "Justify Your Existence"... This sticker pisses me off more then any other...

    And a classy one i saw in Ipswich the other day


    Will i get all the ladies if i put this on my car???
  18. rollin

    rollin First 9

    justify your existance is the top of my hate list, then Unit
  19. MoulaZX

    MoulaZX #TEAMROB

    I think the pink bits line is a reference to a line said in a comedy show by comedian Danny Bhoy, in where he asked the audience what is the worst opening line they could think of and a guy down in the front line yells out "Show us your pink bits!".

    F'in hilarious bit but why someone would put that on their car is beyond me.

  20. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

    agreed, the justify your existence and unit stickers are fking bogan oh and the such is life stickers.


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