sqeaky bonnet noise

Discussion in 'Technical' started by slapstickz, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. slapstickz

    slapstickz Banned

    my car makes a squeaky bonnet noise when its on, its pretty noticeable, the left side of the bonnent does not close all the way done, it leave a small gap that can't close all down, but the right side closes all the way down.

    How can i fix my annoying problem.
  2. aazn

    aazn New Member

    uneven bonnet is because of bad jacking spot...

    radiator out and bash the support down job.

    and doe the squeek... i just wd-40'ed the whole latch system...
  3. Instamatic

    Instamatic Active Member

    OR your bonnet stop on one side is too high. Check that first before you take a sledgehammer to your car's frame.
  4. slapstickz

    slapstickz Banned

    ok i got a hammer what do you want me to bash do you want me to bash the radiator support guard. Dam annoying sound.
  5. angrybear

    angrybear Moderator

  6. slapstickz

    slapstickz Banned

    there is a nissan store that sell original stuff here in rockdale, i mite go suss them out tommorow.

    My ones look ok, but the bonnent is making the sound, people can hear me on the street that squeek gets ppls attention.

    I Hope its these i don't want to go bashing the car to fix the bonnent.
  7. STEVE M

    STEVE M New Member

    Mine had a bad Bonnet squeak and we found the Bonnet Bolts were loose, check they are tight and maybe put more washers under them to make them sit tighter thats what I did and have had no more trouble. As for bonnet height, i found the bonnet mat sat on top of the engine, Ive removed mine but if you have any hoses or cables running over the Plennum it will hold the bonnet up and probably squeak as well.
  8. zed4life (zedcare.com)

    zed4life (zedcare.com) Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    2nded, adjust rubber stops or replace

    them, also try vaseline on the tops. Also check bonnet latch is adjusted right.

    Do all these BEFORE you hammer anything.:zlove:

  9. Benny_C

    Benny_C About as subtle as...

    If yours are in good nick, then the adjustment on them should still "hopefully" work. you can unscrew the top half of them to raise them for more bonnet balance. Have you tried that yet?
  10. Stef

    Stef Active Member

    Isn't that what he's doing ?

    Read his other threads !

  11. slapstickz

    slapstickz Banned

    hmmmm mines all screwed it my bonnet black things. They look old, but not comming apart. So you reckon i should ajust it to half way each.

    Having a closer look at the bonnet it appears both sides, are not fully closed. But left side is slightly higher.
  12. perzn1986

    perzn1986 Member

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