Lamborghini-style front bumper HAHAHHA

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by WazTTed, May 21, 2010.

  1. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    LOl the left side is smaller than the right side..

    You crack me up moustache guy.
  2. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    you just don't get it Trav. Don't you know that it's feeding time for assrashized? It's chewing it's fudge jeez

    edit: om nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
  3. Arashi

    Arashi Member

    Ahh thats better
    To Zed-less Travis? :p I wasnt trying when I made that concept picture.

    To ZedEx, feeding time because Im a troll? Its disturbing that you refer to rear ejaculate as food... I guess as long as your not hurting anyone and keeping it behind closed doors, who am I to judge... nom nom away :cool:
  4. Kabir

    Kabir Well-Known Member

    Simmo shouldn't have started the thread in the first place. It is now going to end up another Arashi attack thread.

    URHYNS Well-Known Member

    Yes it is.

    You're a jerk.
    When are you just going to understand that you are not welcome here?
    Your presence is unappreciated.
    Your "design" and "concept" ideas and pictures are a joke, plain stupid, time and bandwidth wastage.
    Even coming from me and my venetian blind grill.

    Go away --------------->
    Start by clicking in your address bar, then type

    Kindest Regards.
  6. Arashi

    Arashi Member

    If I'm a jerk it was for good reason
    Your link doesnt work btw :D, this place is cyberspace to me, if I am not welcome, I would have no hard feelings if I was kicked out.
  7. weeeeeeeZX

    weeeeeeeZX New Member

    not a fan of the colour, but that looks hot. the front bar that is. zed looks like a lambo. i prefer the lamborghini diablo sv. but that still looks hot. how much would one of those body kits set someone back $ ?

    hmm nice find mate.
  8. Kabir

    Kabir Well-Known Member

    That is the spirit. Hurray internet.:D
  9. Isola

    Isola New Member

    Your senses of dignity and self decency.
  10. URHYNS

    URHYNS Well-Known Member

    No one cares about your feelings, obviously.

    You shouldn't need to be kicked out to realise no one likes you or your ideas, and quite frankly, i find it amusing that you keep coming back, and keep posting absolute RUBBISH.

    Are you that bored, after cutting out cardboard and sticking it to cars, living an imaginary automotive design and fabrication fantasy, that you actually enjoy showing off your FAILness and copping shit for it?
    Credit to you if you don't care what people think, but if you don't, why post in the first place? Even when people tried to help you by pointing out the things you did wrong (everything), you post more of the same, gay, going no where, newspaper-and-glue-stick "d-d-d-d-designs" ... cant even say the word in reference to your "efforts"....
  11. yellow_300zx

    yellow_300zx New Member

    it would cost you any respect people may hav for you and or your car....:bash:
  12. Arashi

    Arashi Member

    Maybe its still salvageable

  13. URHYNS

    URHYNS Well-Known Member

    "looks like I wasnt the only one to envision an r390 bumper on a Zed and I still think it has potential"

    ....dude... seriously, it is ugly.

    "I dont think my last make was too much of a failure"

    Here we go again... YOU dont think think... but everyone else does....

    "I do care what people think"

    ... so take their opinions on board, light what you have on fire, and start again.

    "I want to create a kit that looks like an exotic car"

    ... Arashi, dude, what is an "exotic" car?
    What you want to do is fine. There are many kits out there that fit the description, like the abflug/beet wide body kits. But your aspirations and "concepts" are a joke in comparison. Make the kit. Paint it. Test it. THEN SHOW IT. I highly doubt it will sell, because your ideas now, quite frankly - suck.

    What you have now is FAIL.

    Thats it... try again.
  14. mr zed x

    mr zed x chassis scrubbin..

    i really had to hold back the epic rage that this post was going to be, then settled a bit and really read your post.

    your really serious arnt you?
    arashi i really, honestly feel forry for you !

    bro, i tried to give you good feedback, as did mant, but you never took it on board..
    honestly, you need to study bodykits that sell.

    heres a tip, making a product for the public, you should have little attatchment to the item, and as many concepts as you can, becuase at the end if the day, the public are the ones buying your kit, not yourself mate..

    so get over your ego. take the tips, and seriously.
    go back to your hole and come up with some seriously good ideas.

    no paper masche shit, drawings!
  15. yellow_300zx

    yellow_300zx New Member

    if you wanna make a kit.... make this.

    and stop trying to mess with all the natural lines of the had it rite the 1st time.:bash:
  16. Arashi

    Arashi Member

    In this thread, my goal was to point out that this Japanease butcher should have tried to clone a Nissan super car over the lame Lambo design.

    The top end of my own car is already designed and fiberglassed just as I planned in my drawing, I only have the bumper and headlight details to complete. My car resembles a Koenigsegg btw.

    Everyone else can see it when I put vinyl paint on it, I dont need design tips, the car looks superb!
  17. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

    U dont need tips u need to get ure arms cut off.
  18. mr zed x

    mr zed x chassis scrubbin..

    i give up.

    you sir need help. quite obviously your not all there in the head.
    no-ones going to buy your kit. so not only did you waste your time but your never going to make money from this kit!

    give up mate.. its the ugliest front ive even seen on a 300zx.
    paint a black moustashe on the car.

    will be the two fuggliest pedo bear things in the world.
    you and your car lol.
  19. Arashi

    Arashi Member

    The car in my signature is the old design, no ones seen photos of the new design.
  20. mr zed x

    mr zed x chassis scrubbin..

    well im glad you ahve saved our eyes.

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