Manipulate AFC or Nistune for emissions testing?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by jschrauwen, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. jschrauwen

    jschrauwen My Fairlady Z

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    I believe that Australia has an emissions program in place and perhaps something similar to Canada.

    Looks like the emissions process in my area has a new program implimented this year.
    To these ends, I'm looking for ideas/suggestions aside from the norm as to which may be the best route.

    Idea #1
    Is it possible to lean out certain settings on my NEO just prior to the emissions test in order to achieve a pass?

    Idea #2
    Or, should I go to my Nistune tuner, and have him make a second tune from my original that would have modified air/fuel tables that would lend itself to being emissions friendly?

    I will be using 200 cell high flow metal cats for the emission tests.
  2. Mitch

    Mitch Has one gear: GO

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    What emissions are they testing for, and what spec are the cats?
    The performance of a cat converter is relative to the amount of catalyst in it, most cheap cats have very little, complicated by less surface area in the high flow cat biscuit they use.

    Id be getting a tuner to make another tune, get some dyno time, and compare results against the standards. Everything else is a bit of uses work which could lead to time off the road, revoked registration etc.
  3. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

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    And just leaning it out won't always get you a pass. What are they testing for? Leaning out can increase other emmissions. Diesel Dave will be along shortly I'm sure to give a run down.
  4. jschrauwen

    jschrauwen My Fairlady Z

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    The cats are almost brand new. They are a metal core using a 200 cell count per inch.

    Here's the regs that I'm going by. Specifically, Table 8 (on page 5).

    It's a two stage static test - idle and 2500 rpm.
    If I'm reading that table correctly, my 1990 Z is limited to a max HC of 200 (ppm) by volume and max CO of 1 (%) by volume. I'm not sure if I read that correctly.
  5. stumagoo

    stumagoo Active Member

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    I believe Diesel Dave would be the man to answer this particular question, IIRC his Kit car went through some major emmissions testing and he has a lot of the details in his build thread

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