AUS Giveaway: Free Z Website Hosting!

Discussion in 'Car Parts for Sale or Wanted' started by Tonto, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. Tonto

    Tonto Member

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    Hey Guys,

    I run a web server that gets hardly any usage so I've decided to offer free website hosting for Aus300ZX members. You can get your own website with the following features:

    Server: Duel-Core CPU Server
    Software: CentOS Enterprise with cPanel 11
    Uptime: 06:56:09 up 151 days, 2:45, 2 users, load average: 0.01, 0.05, 0.02
    Location: Montreal, Canada
    Disk Space: 500mb
    Transfer: 10gb
    What can you run? This service is aimed at those that would like to make a website to track the progress of their Z32 repairs/modifications/etc. Feel free to host images on there but obviously it is not to be used for file transfers.

    Just a few notes. I do not run a business. There will be no ads, spam, etc. This is a completely free service. This is not affiliated with Aus300ZX.

    If you want to grab a free account feel free to PM me with your desired domain name ( and I will create the account for you.

  2. Tonto

    Tonto Member

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    So far there are 3 takers. Still a bunch of space available.

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