Custom Cruise Control Buttons and Steering Hub Wiring

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Kieren, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. Kieren

    Kieren Active Member

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    I'm working on setting up my own buttons to replace the ones absent from my steering wheel for the cruise control.

    According to the FSM (EL-100) there are diodes between the buttons on the wheel. Since I don't have the wheel with the buttons I can't confirm if the diodes are actually wired in conjunction with the buttons on the wheel (seems unlikely) or part of the black box behind the steering hub.

    It just wouldn't be one of my threads without photos so here we go. Some explanation of what I'm looking at and what is necessary to achieve my goal will be much appreciated :)

    Here is the HICAS ring assembly?

    The circuit board inside the black box behind the hub. This seems to be the brains and I'm hoping that if I can't tap in directly to the wiring harness to wire up the new buttons then at least I can tap in here.

    Front side of the circuit board. If only I could read understand Japanese I might understand if this is where to tap in to... I can see the 2 diodes from the FSM schematic near the centre so it looks like I'm looking in the right direction.

    They look like LEDs to me!?

    Finally, the wires and colours.

    So, to reiterate my question, where and which wires do I need to tap into in order to set up my custom buttons for the cruise control?

    On a secondary note, how does the HICAS ring work? Is it simply a giant potentiometer or does it have something to do with the LEDs(?) in that little black box?

    Many thanks :)
  2. Evil Twin

    Evil Twin Time to 'Suit Up'!

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    I am looking at a custom set up like this myself at the moment, with the Hicas ring - there is a 3x terminal plug socket. Do the cruise buttons and horn merely plug into this? And if so by what your saying - there is a another circuit in the OEM hornpad and this plug?

    I am watching the results of this thread with interest. ;)
  3. Kieren

    Kieren Active Member

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    Following up on this, I was kindly offered by Eric (drz400y) to swap my non C/C steering centre pad with his which has the buttons. Since my HICAS ring has 3 terminals I was able to simply plug his centre pad in without changing over anything else. I also took his advice in discretely mounting the actuator and solenoid and you can't really tell I have CC installed in the engine bay at all :D It does work however, brilliantly!

    The diodes mentioned in the circuit diagram are on that circuit board mounted behind the HICAS ring. You would need to tap into the wires leading from there to the 3-pin terminal if you wanted to have your custom buttons on the wheel itself. Otherwise, you will need to tap the wires further back down the loom before the board and wire up your own diodes. The diodes direction is indicated the the FSM circuit diagram. Since I was able to simply switch centre pads I won't be looking into how to make custom buttons anymore, but I do have 3 spare momentary switches now. What to do with them.....
  4. Evil Twin

    Evil Twin Time to 'Suit Up'!

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    I brought a centre pad with the CC buttons off ebay - still need to get the rest of the wheel :rolleyes: I still need to pull the aftermarket wheel off and see what hicas ring it has. Hopefully its the 3 plug - worst case I have the wreck zed to pull one off and splice in one way or another.

    I have fitted the R/H pod with the cruise buttons on it and it is clicking a relay on and off down around the PTU. So far so good. I am yet to find the plug on the loom for the ASCD - might appear when I get the engine out - but not looking too good at this time.

    Where did you hide the ASCD? I am disapointed Keiren - where are the pics? :D

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

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    The Hicas styem works by shining the LEDs you found through the timing disk in the bottom of the picture. It has a line of cutouts around the edge that the sensors monitor for left/right movement and degrees away from the home position with is a second slot cut inside the outer row.

    Kieren likes this.
  6. michaelZ

    michaelZ New Member

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    I am trying to put cc buttons on momo

    This is an old thread but it is exactly what I am trying to do. I have used a key fob case and placed 3 switches in it and passed the wires from behind.
    The FSM suggests that the diodes are in the switch panel in the horn pad. Can anyone confirm the diodes are in the switch in the horn pad?

    If I can get these switches to work I will post details with pics.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2013

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