hows this for a piss off :(

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Tektrader, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Is there a Tech article for this(you Ding-a-ling)?:eek::bash::banned::zlove:

  2. TheDanzilla

    TheDanzilla Follow the weasel

    Not yet ;)

    i just hate it how people really have not regard for other peoples property....
  3. azzurro

    azzurro Boostin Outlaw

    dammn it Graham!!!!

    That makes me sick.. and u know wat... majority of ppl who door slap other cars.. do it cos they see the fantastic condition of the other car.... and 99.9% you cant prove it and they will run free.

    If u know it was him id say make him pay...

    I have just gone through the same thing.. the guy next to me scraped my car when he parked.. and i approached him askin "excuse me sir.. you see whats resulted here?" and he denied the lot... (even tho his green paint was all over my white z" :bash: )

    I filled out an insurance claim and got a small payout for the scrape and i still kept my rating 1 no claim bonus... lucky my insurance saw fit to chase up the other party for the money.

    I rekon its part of Australian culture...door slam the car next to u if u own a shit box!

    :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash:

    Hope u feel better when its finally back to normal.

  4. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Me too!:mad::zlove:
  5. Red-Z

    Red-Z Red-Z

    Double park

    It's bad enough when you don't know who's done it but when you see them do it or see the car with the evidence still parked next to you it's real bad.
    The best thing is note down their rego and car description and let the insurance company sort it out. They have bigger "sticks" than we do.
    I've taken to using up two parking spaces on occasions in shopping centres and such, not very nice I know but sometimes it's the only way to protect your baby.
  6. Gazza

    Gazza Active Member

    Im always amazed by the cars I regularly find parked next to my zed. Huge 4wd's, rusty dented old bombs, or cars with extensive crash damage, and I know the a@@holes see my car and think that parking right next to it is the best place to park, probably thinking that they can make the rich bastard driving the sports car sweat!:bash: :bash:

    I used to have a problem at work where if I took the zed, Id park way up the end of the carpark where nobody else parks (like 50 spaces from the nearest car) and occasionally left work to find some wanker had parked their 4wd right next to my car just to piss me off (like parking right up close so I could barely open my door). On the days I didnt take my zed in, the same wanker would park as close to the buildings as possible with all the other cars, so my revenge was to take my ugly old hilux monster and park it as close as possible to their 4wd (a nice shiney dent free one!) when ever I could (like if they wanted to get into their car they would have to climb in through a window!). This worked out pretty well because being the idiot they were, they would always pull the same act to the other cars they parked next to, there by screwing themselves when I found the spot next to them vacant.:biggrin:

    Good job putting the knee into the offending car, hopefully might teach them to show some respect for other people cars!:thumbup:
  7. DrongoMan

    DrongoMan Sir

    Men who hit women are disgraceful.
  8. Chad_

    Chad_ Well-Known Member


    graham i would have soooooooo fkn taken pictures with my phone of my damage, their door with the paint on it, and their rego etccc....leave a note on their window saying i have taken pictures of the damage your door has caused to my gaurd. please contact me on ..... to discuss this matter forward. give them a deadline else contact your insurance company and they will follow this up with the offenders ins company.

    ZDUCTIV Active Member

    Women who hit men are disgraceful.

    What's your point?

    BL Tektrader. I can't believe what people do nowadays and all without a guilty conscious. It's really quite scary. :eek:
  10. wassaw7

    wassaw7 New Member

    And how does this tie in with the thread?

    Either way, Sean Connery disagrees:

    Funny $hit, and its actually a legit interview :eek:
  11. DrongoMan

    DrongoMan Sir

    My point is that a real man never hits a woman. If you disagree with me, then keep your mouth shut if i meet you.
  12. wassaw7

    wassaw7 New Member

    I never stated my opinion, but a question for you.

    Is the reason that you dont want to hit women due to the fact that they are weaker and fragile compared to men?

    If so then you must take back what you just said, being that in the above video i linked, sean connery stated that he likes to slap women. He still does. Now he is an old man (interview took place in 1987). Old men are also frail and weak, more so than women - you might break his hip with your implied violence!!!

    What is your stance on disciplining naughty kids? If you would EVER smack one of your own children for misbehaving, torching your house, raiding your wallet, doing drugs etc... then you are again a hypocrite.

    What about trannies? Shemales? Where do you stand on them? What about a huge 120kg bush pig of a woman? What about midgets :D ? Or a skinny 40kg speed freak?

    My point is that no-one is above a good slap, just keep it reasonable and proportionate.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2007
  13. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    No offense, but I hate catchall phrases like this. Let's be honest, there are certainly situations where you would hit a women. If they are play hitting you, then take it. If they slap you cause you cheated on them, take it. If they come at you with a knife or threaten you're family, smack the bitch!!!

    Sure we're stronger (generally, you can't really argue with this), but that doesn't mean we're punching bags.
  14. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

  15. wassaw7

    wassaw7 New Member

    Also watch the video - you will definately LOL
  16. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    As far as Drongoman's comment is concerned, I agree 100% with his outlook.
    When it comes to Shemales & Trannies, I make it a point never to stand on them, no matter what(the slippery little buggers).:eek::bash::banned::banned:

  17. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    My little 3yo Sweetheart, can also be a right little

    turd when she wants to be.
    She'll push at the boundaries, measuring how far matters can be taken.
    If after repeated warnings, she persists, she will get a smack.
    As someone said earlier, any response needs to be proportionate to the circumstances and the recipient, whether young, old, male or female, we are all people, and as far as I am concerned, we all like to be treated equally, therefore we should all treat equally.

    That's the bottom line for me anyway.

    People always comment on how well behaved and polite Caitlyn is when in public, I can't say the same for many other children her age I have met. Maybe there are merits in Tammy and my methods.
  18. DrongoMan

    DrongoMan Sir

    Thats where it started.

    And i quite simply stated my thoughts and beliefs and that if you disagree with me, then don't bring it up or argue with me face to face because i feel very strongly about it.
  19. wassaw7

    wassaw7 New Member

    Yes - exactly the results of good discipline. A small smack when really neccessary does wonders for improving behavior. Behavior which extrapolates into adult personality. Perhaps if these door slamming fools had been slammed themselves a few times they might have more respect for others property.

    Drongoman & chilli - I am not trying to condone beating the crap out of women for little to no reason, as that is something that I also detest. But saying that a woman should never be hit just because she owns a vagina is rediculous. Metered, proportionate and reasonable, just like smacking a bad kid.

    And just for the record, I have put up with being hit, gouged, attempted glassing, etc on many, many occasions. I have yet to smack a hoe :p .

    However many a hot backside has felt my slap during "special time" :D
  20. DrongoMan

    DrongoMan Sir

    Thanks Chili,

    For everyone else some of us are brought up with certain morals and beliefs. My dad brought me up with a few rules and I'll pass them down to my kids when i have them.

    Its got nothing to do with who's bigger or stronger etc etc.

    Don't hit women - full stop.
    Always help a mate out in a fight.
    Don't use weapons
    Don't kick a person while they're down
    Don't gang up on another person with the intention of inflicting harm. (obviously you can pick this apart and say, yeah what if this what if that, i think you understand what i mean.

    You can believe what you like, but don't expect me to respect you if you believe otherwise, i will never agree.


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