Will an SR20 fan fit a 300ZX?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by foremannz, Jan 10, 2013.

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  1. gktech

    gktech New Member

    So is that what you're doing here?

    You mentioned earlier that you're an aeroplane mechanic, but foremannz is one of your customers and that's why you're here looking out for him? Hence the reason for your anger towards me? I'm confused!

    You are openly calling me a liar saying that I'm talking BS which I do not appreciate however I have come to the conclusion that you have lots of free time and that you like an argument. I'm really quite busy working 80+ hour weeks and I don't have time for you.

    I can tell you that I am telling the truth and I have not lied in any way. I am not a liar and I pride myself on my integrity.

    bRacket - that's not discrediting my work at all as the comparison is completely fair. The CA18, SR20, RB20, RB25 and RB26 clutch fans ALL vary in design. I can only assume based on what I "think" Nissan would have been thinking or designing based around. Ie. more flow or more efficient etc. however the SR20 fan design didn't vary from 1990 through to 2001 which leads me to believe that for the application they were happy with the result as many other things did change across the S13, S14 and S15 models.
  2. gktech

    gktech New Member

    Again, you mis crucial points and make assumptions.

    The measurement was taken from in FRONT of the RADIATOR and it was done on the same car over a period of time and run 3-4 times with each of the fans installed. The AOA is not stalled. The power input WAS measured.

    You have admitted that you are NOT an engineer so rather than listening to you I choose to prefer to speak to an engineer who is qualified. Again, why in the world would I invest 25k into a fan design that I wasn't 100% happy with. I would consider myself to be reasonably smart and I put 25k into this as I believed in the results, and many other people have put $59 into this product. Your $59 Vs my $25,000 yet you don't trust my call?

    Shout as loud as you can from the tallest building, I don't care. I already have many people that are very happy with their fans shouting just as loud, just with less arrogance in their voices.
  3. MagicMike

    MagicMike Moderator Staff Member

    I am interested to see a peice of paper that proves 60% increase. Very interested to know exactly how the testing was performed and what the baseline equipment was.

    FYI $5k of 'engineering' consultancy is about 1 day's 'work' (so about 3hrs actual work, tops).
  4. frysie

    frysie FRYTECH

    i would suggest doing it to a near stock car as well. it may work for lower end HP cars compared to your rice rocket rob :D
  5. rob260

    rob260 Administrator Staff Member

    And yet again I realise I'm in the wrong industry..
  6. gktech

    gktech New Member

    I've mentioned in previous posts in this thread information on what conditions and the method the 60% increase was measured.

    I don't pay anywhere near 5k/day in consultancy (ie. not $625/hour)
  7. Instamatic

    Instamatic Active Member

    Is he that much of a threat to "the community"? Really? Put it this way: even if GKtech's fan DOESN'T deliver on the 60% claim and only delivers the same amount of air as the stock fan (which as you claim is the maximum physical limit of the standard viscous clutch), then his product is still cheaper than a replacement OEM fan.

    By virtue of being more affordable, his fan is still something that's worth replacing the standard fan with. Try and poke holes in that.

    I honestly don't see why you're trying so hard to demonise this guy and his product. He's obviously put a lot of time, thought and money into developing it, so why try and argue the toss about whether it delivers exactly as much as he claims?

    You're not an aerodynamicist, and you've never seen one of these fans in the flesh. You've got a lot of theories but you've yet to put any of them into practice, so until you do don't go spouting off about how you're just trying to protect "the community" by disparaging GKtech's products.
  8. mungyz

    mungyz Well-Known Member

    I'm not trying to "demonise" anyone, the guy has made a false claim due to lack of knowledge rather than intent and I've tried to correct him - now he's acting like an ass over it thinking he's all that and can talk down to people he has no Fing clue about just because he has spent some money on some molds.

    I've already said the fan MIGHT work better than the stock one.

    Would you rather people just shut up when they see false claims about products and let everyone buy stuff thinking it's something it isn't and can never be?

    Sounds great :rolleyes:


    I'm keen to see a comparison on a Z32 .

    Even a 10- 20 % increase would interest me .

  10. mungyz

    mungyz Well-Known Member

    I'm not angry :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

    You need to realise you have made a claim that is impossible, I don't write the laws of physics buddy & neither do you or your engineer.

    Now you claim to have measured the power input to the fan - how?
    How the hell did you do that while it was fitted to the engine?
    I call BS on this one as well.

    I've never said anywhere I'm not an engineer and FYI I own a light engineering business - I guess in your mind that makes me a hairdresser???

    "The AOA was not stalled" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

    So sorry I'm just going to laugh and then not try and explain - it's an aircraft engineer thing :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

    No I don't trust your statement of 60% more air flow, that's all - I thought I'd made this pretty clear - would you like a little off your fringe so you can see better???
  11. gktech

    gktech New Member

    I'm not an engineer and I don't clame to be, hence me paying an engineering firm to design products for me.

    Based on the lays of physics what % increase is possible? You mentioned previously a 5% increase hasn't been possible since the Wright brothers original prop design. What sort of variation could we expect between all of the different prop designs available on the market

    You're just selecting lines from my replies and completely ignoring others. You then move on to my next post and still ignore previous comments or corrections to your assumptions.

    The power of the car was measured, not the power of the actual fan itself but over a range of dyno runs I don't see the power of my car suddenly increasing or decreasing (and the dyno told the same story).

    I suppose that you're not on Facebook but near 20,000 of our customers are. Check it out, there's testimonials :)
  12. SIM300


    Good old internet slug fight, yay :bash:. We all benefit, not... We get a lot of back and forth and go nowhere!

    What happened to the art of conversation and discussion??? Does it not apply in this day and age??? :confused::(
  13. mungyz

    mungyz Well-Known Member

    It's absolutely pointless going line for line with replies when you are missing the critical part of the problem, I'm not trying to tear you personally a new one even though you seem keen on trying to discredit myself.

    I've already said a number of posts ago that is is plausible you might have gained 20% over stock, I've pulled this number out of thin air - thin air with at least some knowledge base to back it up.
    Even 20% is a huge number to try and gain from the same power input.

    I need to clear this up obviously seeing as you have run off the rails, the power output I am talking about is the RPM and Torque that is supplied to the fan itself NOT the power output of the cars engine.

    I've never said the fan doesn't work and I've never said it doesn't move more air than stock please quit reacting as if I have.

    I'd like to see a testimonial that backs up your 60% claim - I bet that one will be hard to find :rofl:
  14. gktech

    gktech New Member

    Something that totally slipped my mind was that GP Sports Japan claims an 89% increase in airflow of their SR20 clutch fan over standard. Lets discredit them shall we?

    How is that possible?


    It also shows that they got a very similar result as my tests from SR20 to RB25.
  15. gktech

    gktech New Member

    Please answer this for me, or is their advertisement BS and nothing short of fraudulent as are my claims of 60% (according to you)
  16. mungyz

    mungyz Well-Known Member

    Oh gee I don't know

    Could it be something to do with the clutch being changed as well maybe?

    nah couldn't possibly be something so simple

    Oh hey that's funny wasn't I saying it was the clutch that can only deliver so much power to the fan and so that is your governing/limiting factor for power output/thrust/air movement from the fan.

    Oh and look it clearly shows in your picture there they have a fan AND a clutch as an assembly.

    Take note of the design of the actual fan, not that different to the stock unit.

    Do you get it yet? do you understand that you can only move so much air with so much power and that the thing that is providing the power is the fan clutch?

    Do you get it that when the fan clutch wears out and starts to fail the fan is driven less and therefore shifts less air and the engine starts to overheat?

    Does it then make sense to you that if you have a tighter clutch it will provide more power to the fan and therefore shift more air?

    Do you get that this is the reason the RB25 fan assembly moves more air than the SR20 assembly? it's not just the fan that makes the difference.

    Give it up for crying out loud.
  17. gktech

    gktech New Member

    Nice try to get out of that one. GP sports sell the fan on their own. Ie. They claim an 89% increase in air flow by using their fan with your factory clutch.

    Now that we've cleared that up, is that just BS fraudulent marketing from another companymaking a rreplacement fan for the SR20?

    Is there any chance that you're actually wrong?
  18. mungyz

    mungyz Well-Known Member

    Nup no chance buddy
    I know my stuff when it comes to this sort of thing and you're waaaay out of your depth.

    The picture shows the fan with a clutch in it but because that doesn't suit you now you say they sell it without the fan clutch?? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

    You honestly believe you are right and so do I but if you keep this crap up the truth will come out and I tell you what - I don't have $25K resting on this & I have the training, experience and knowledge to at least have a clue when it comes to this sort of thing.

    If you want to keep pushing that it shifts 60% more air you might find it getting tested and results published, what are you going to say when it falls WAY short of your claim?
  19. frysie

    frysie FRYTECH

    sue the engineer. engineers love jail :D
  20. gktech

    gktech New Member

    The GP Sports fan, as seen on any website selling Japanese parts (google it), DOES NOT come with a clutch yet they claim an 89% increase in air flow.

    My question which you have not answered for the third time is: how is this possible or is it BS fraudulent marketing? (from yet another company that makes an improved fan for the SR20)

    It's a very simple question that you AGAIN tried to avoid and made MORE false accusations about me (I quote "that doesn't suit you now you say they sell it without the fan clutch")

    Try again!
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