Quick photodump from the weekend. Big thank you to everyone who came - always a pleasure to see old friends and put some new names to faces. Big thank you to our sponsors and congratulations to our trophy winners. People's Choice: Joe (Best in Show) & Sam (Runner Up) In Car Entertainment: Ian (Best in Show) & Benny C (Runner Up) As Nissan Intended: Benny (Best in Show) & John (Runner Up) Best Engine Bay: Joe (Best in Show) & Mike (Runner Up) Best Paint & Body: Joe (Best in Show) & Sam (Runner Up) Best Interior: Mike (Best in Show) & Joe (Runner Up) If you haven't been to a ZedFest get along to the next one in Gilgandra 2022. These are heaps of fun with or without a running Z! Starting off with a couple of sneaky carpark pics from Sunday morning. Benny C John & Benny Sam & Pauly Sam's Rocketship Cam Sam's Rocketship Again John & Benny Mike & Eddy Joe's Prize Winning Bay Joe's Shiny Bits Providing Some Bokeh
Some show and shine pics from a little later in the day Joe Sam Some locals dropping by to check out the cars Mike's Engine Bay The silver bullet Mike, Benny C, John and Ian Joe showing off a tidy undercarriage Cam Pauly
A few more show and shine pics Benny & Eddy Anthony & Pauly checking out Joe's Car A couple of group shots, all in all ten Zeds on display. Sam Joe & Mary Benny C Ian
A couple of Sunday evening carpark pics. A big thanks to Sam for herding the cats and setting this up. Sam, Benny, Pauly, John & Ian Sam, Mike, Joe, Eddy & Cam Benny, Pauly, John and Anthony Steve & Sam with Anthony Ian & Leah Anthony
Mike, Sam, Benny Cam, Eddy, Joe, Mike, Sam Joe John, Nick, Ian, Cam, Benny, Steve, Mike, Justin, Anthony
Great pics Rob! Thanks for organising everything mate, was a fantastic weekend, I had an absolute ball! Thanks everyone who made the trip, can't do them without the attendees
Yeah fantastic to see some photos Rob, looks like a mega weekend for all. Great to see a big variety of zeds too & all in great nick!
What an amazing weekend, turnout, great times, and planned events. I had a fantastic time, and pretty sure everyone shares the same attitude. Huge thanks to Rob for organising all of this - twice! (last year which was cancelled, and again this year for new dates). Can't wait for Gilgandra NSW next year! It's great that we don't have to wait 2 years for next time. I hope to see everyone there again, plus some more members as well. You truly don't know what the experience is like until you go for yourself. Everyone will tell the same story, that it is totally worth it!
Haha the number of times I've been asked that over the weekend haha Well at the moment I'm not the one holding things up so we'll have to see how it goes. Will be there either way though.
Everything Benny said, especially with the weekend being super-FUN, and particularly the thanks to Rob260 for pulling off a seamless 12 month postponement... Some pics from my phone (plus some others I really liked from Cam’s recent thread on FB - credit noted on each): https://photos.app.goo.gl/LhQfewBAXFgB2ngZ8 Feel free to add your own photos to this album as I’ve made it public, and I reckon it would make a great place to collect all the photos from over the course of the event...
Thanks so much for having us along- what a great drive, event and bunch of people. We'll be along next year!
Couple more pics Impressive Detail on John's Car Ian Ian, Mike and Benny C (repping an AUS300 stubby Cooler) Pauly going to extremes for the perfect shot We had Toyota Nationals Staying around the Corner