Ok another 'Where to Buy' thread from me again. This time its for the 2000spec front bars. Now Im asking this question becuase im not sure which shop i should order my bar from, thats at the best price. Current shop List: Street to Strips GB Now i know about StS's GB which he has posted up and the price of $1095 is great but as ive never imported front bars from the US before i dont know how much it will cost in total to ship one from say COZ with everything included. StS kit comes with: 1 x 2000 model front bar 1 x LH bar lamp/indicator 1 x RH bar lamp indicator 1 x Grill Mesh http://www.aus300zx.com/forum/showthread.php?t=275049 COZ Now COZ have a good range of different kits for the 2k front bar and they have a full kit with everything for $730 USD + frieght of course and from what ive heard shipping from the US is expensive hence why i havent ordered a front bar yet. 1 x 2000 model front bar 1 x LH bar lamp/indicator 1 x RH bar lamp indicator 1 x Grill Mesh 1 x Lower Retainer 1 x Lower Lip Foam Support 1 x LH Intercooler Duct 1 x RH Intercooler Duct http://www.conceptzperformance.com/Cart/description.php?II=1308&Car_Type=300&UID=20080505222644220.237.129.166 TTZ Anyways Now that TTZ is back in action ive noticed they have a 2k front bar genuine nissan uthrene bar for $625 AUD + $8.80 post. But this bar only comes with; 1 x 2000 model front bar 1 x LH bar lamp/indicator 1 x RH bar lamp indicator http://www.ttzed.com/products/products_detail.cfm?CFID=30905823&CFTOKEN=46063542&cat=93&grouping=3&grouptitle=Nissan%20OEM&PartID=529&page=1&title=OEM%20Bodyparts&do=detail Now what i was thinking is that if i get say the TTZ bar and then ship the remaining parts from COZ; 1 x Grill Mesh - $82 USD 1 x Lower Retainer - $10 USD 1 x Lower Lip Foam Support - $32 USD 1 x LH Intercooler Duct - $150 USD for both LH and RH ducts 1 x RH Intercooler Duct So all up $274 USD + fireght on top of the $633 from TTZ Would it work out cheaper overall to go TTZ/COZ or is the StS group buy cheaper??
Obvious i thought Adam ?,go to simon at ttzed and go pick one up for $625 The grill mesh can be made from a mesh pack from autobarn for $30,thats what i did. If you are after a shaved one the same as mine(alot cleaner lines imo),youll have to get it from coz,but be prepared for shipping costs !!,if you are happy with the numberplate sitting on the front of the bar,Simon is your man Shipping on 1 bar from coz is around $350,its alot better to order heaps of stuff as its the same shipping whatever you put in the big box as its done on size ,not weight
yeh i thought the exact same thing simon i just wanted to make sure i wasnt under estimating all the costs i wouldnt have figured in. Im not fussed on shaved or not i dont really care. So i think ill go throguh TTZ but ill email him first and ask him if he has any and can ship to me asap.
go pick it up ,its cheaper that way,getting it delivered by courier wouldnt cost much anyway and he has 2 left so hurry up if you want one
yeh he has standard shipping rates. I just sent him an email just for confirmation. Hope it emaisl abck soon.
Let us know how you go with the front bar from TTZ... if it is true and they are running out, I'd like to get my hands on one before that happens..
yeh i will guys. I dont think japan will stop for another 2 more years tho as doesnt nissan have to make spare parts for a car for a 10 year period though and the 2000spec bars should still be in production for at least until 2010. But if they are running out i want one asap 2. I also heard they were running out of taillights as well though i cant confirm this either.
well u wont need the mesh as u can get it from autobarn like simon said u also wont need the intercooler ducts as u have an n/a hence no turbos hence no intercoolers hence no need for intercooler ducts u can also use the old lower retainer from the standard front bar as they are the same or very similar, and the foam support i don't even know what that is get it from ttzed
Yeh thanx for the tips guys. I got an email back from simon within 10 mins and ive now ordered the last bar he has atm. and im now trying to figure out how to get it. He said the post. would be more like $80 but it would be alot cheaper for me to pick it up. So does anyone know if the box will fit in a 2+2 zed or should i take my brothers 95 ford XR6 sedan??
and heres proof As Chris says,it sure does,heres a bar we got into tophers zed a few years ago,it was very funny watching chad and topher getting this into the zed outside pizzaboys shop,im sure they will remember lol
Baroo's 2K front bar fitted into my 2+2 OK (not in box). Rear seat-back folded, front pax seat forward... no probs!
Got the bar today, organised to pick it up from the workshop and everything went fine. Spoke to Simon for about 2 hrs and everyone is right about him knowing his shit not just about zed parts bout about all the politics behind the spare parts industry. Anyways ad to take the bar out of the box to fit it into the zed and then reassemble the box wen i got home so i could store the bar away it for when i get it painted and installed. We spoke abit about the 99spec tailights and how that order is going. He says the company his ordering them from are trying to get their suppliers or something to ship the lights to him. So nothing much simon can do now but wait. He has been assured the tailights will come. As for the running out of 2k bars, Simon stated that Japan arnt obligated by the 10 year spare parts law thingy so they can choose to discontinue parts whenever they wont. He said roughly that he has 10 new 2k bars on order from Japan which he is now going to push to get shipped to him asap due to the interests sparked by my enquire. And so far he hasnt been refused an order for the bars as of yet. He is also working on getting better a frieght company for interstate buyers so they can still save money for bodykit purchases from TTZ. I have 100% confience in Simon and TTZ now and i hope you guys take this onboard.