that white one got BEN on the plates? its always at one of the stations, i see it weekly, no forum stickers or any reply when i post it as spotted
Have spotted a few Z's since I have been back this week. Black Z spotted tonight crn Reid Hwy & Lord st.. Only spotted 3 z's whilst in the USA in just over 3 1/2 weeks
Red z32 on Hay street heading past courts. Noticed imports101 and stickers on the rear window and slightly hidden FMIC. anyone here?
Another green machine... "Cruising" along Morley Drive last Sunday. Bright green with round tail lights. Out of state plates I think. Anyone from here?
Yesterday evening spotted gunmetal grey Z with f-40 type wing at BP Erindale Rd, Balcatta, filling up with 91oct :bash: If you are reading this your car needs 98octane! That 91 crap is only good for lawnmowers and scooters
No, its def j-spec, I recognise it from when a girl was trying to sell it on this forum a year or two ago. However now it has white rims and green calipers.
green calipers on a grey zed? anyway.... i was thinking...... we really shouldn't BAG zeds we spot, or thier owners. Not really a way to entice new members "oh oh... they spotted my zed......oh... they think im shit....." *crys and never logs back on* just a thought. not aimed at you. more a general comment. having a thoughtful moment. it'll pass.
Can't really tell from that pic. It had round custom tail lights and a dent/scrape in the drivers door. Colour was about right though. Cheers, Evan.
That's the one. Why you selling? NSW plates will make it harder to sell here - it's going to have to go over the pits. GL. Cheers, Evan.
its not mine its been on that site for nearly a year up for sale from what i can recall, the price has changed a fair bit
saw black zed at ocean reef and waneroo road at approx 5:05pm and a red one at the same intersection at approx 6:25pm. i should start recruiting these guys