Waaaay too many spotto's on the other 2 threads time to make another one Spotto: The other orange zed in Perth, the one that used to have black GT stripes or something similar on Manning road yesterday, the same one that caused trouble for MR TT a long time ago for those of u who were at the captain munchies final meetpoint, gave a wave and nothing back, either he didn't notice or is just a tool....:bash: :banned:
Black beast... I saw another Black Beast driving into Rockingham a couple of weeks ago in the opposite direction. Driver gave me the stare down as we passed eachother. Wanted to scream out something...but he was too far... Rob.
pfft.. since u got fired and have the day off ull be smashed before you finish your first pint... and when i get there at 3.... oooooooo its on... ITS ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!
Going down.. You know you're going down... If I were you, I'd save some time and pick out your tombstone now...or at the very latest, tomorrow. Late night shopping... Rob.
Ok you's 2 Kiss and make up.... Back to the topic, i saw my zed at curtin uni car park today hahah :zlove:
no... he must face the fact that he is a lesser man!!! and needs to drop me and my new lady friend home after we get too intoxicated to keep clothes on on friday
Spotted Yellow zed coming into Mandurah yesterday, pulled up beside him at lights and got talking, mentioned forum, hope to see new member soon
that'll be me, thanks for the compliments!!! yep, will be seeing it a bit there, i work there now!! anyone wanna buy a house?
I've never seen your car at Curtin, I'll be looking a lot harder now I saw AK and another member tonight (sorry forgot your name)