another thread restart as the other one was hugely long AGAIN- lots of wa zeds getting around cant be a bad thing... Spotted yesterday about 8am ish a black zed turnign off ennis ave onto ray rd in rocko.. looked fairly stock, not sure if the guy saw em sittign at lights opposite
spotted, silver zed with full veilside kit, no forum stickers,on my street in osborne park.....anyone?
Still seeing the gunmetal Zed with full vielslide kit on Hale road, Forrestfield every weekend between 6pm-8pm.
red z32 with stillen lip spotted on ocean reef road on sunday at approx 5.30pm. Was going towards the freeway and i couldnt see if he had forum stickers or not.
Charizma and PlanitZ Both on the same weekend! Rob on Albany Highway, sat 28/8 morning about 10ish. Tim in the arvo on Canning Highway, when pulled down the window, I said where are u going, he replied "nowhere just going for a drive" lol
Their rite, you can't hide in Perth! How many zeds do you guys think are here? I've got to get out more, I don't see many at all.
Drove right behind a nice stock silver z yesterday on Clayton rd in boya about 5pm, thought it was gargoyle until i seen that you have a black z. Anyways there is someone in my area, I must hunt them down.
I've always wanted to put a slip of paper reading "Spotted by Rish @" on their windshields but never have any paper or things to write with lol... cards would be great, or at least a template so you can print and cut them out. Hrm... now there's an idea, i may just do that lol, I'll work on a card template.
wow... theres probably like 8 in ACT which would mean that Madcow and myself own half the z's here lol!
Drove right behind a nice stock silver z yesterday on Clayton rd in boya about 5pm, thought it was gargoyle until i seen that you have a black z. Anyways there is someone in my area, I must hunt them down. I'm in Boya! My zed is platium mist, not black.
Yep that was me, gotta love our freeway eh ?! Took me 2 hours to go from Kardinya to Osbourne Park and back..
white TT 2 seater Very nice white TT 2 seater heading down freeway and got off at Mandurah today about 11.15 am. Had an after market front bar, skirts, single exhaust and F40 style rear wing, woman driver.
I think the forum had some cards made up before.... might be better for everyone to chip in a few bucks and get it professionally printed, otherwise a bit of water on the inkjet paper and they get a nice patch of colour on the car
2+2 Pearl white TT ZX along Mirrabooka drive yesterday. Had a quick chat, told them bout the forum. Green light gtg bye. Left the poor woman staring