so guess what? the car itself is basically finished. only things left to do involve tint and targa's -__- will post some more photos up late, but if you guys dont mind, Ive been working this project with some friends, and we entered this project online. check it out, and your vote for my video would be appreciated, especially since I havent ever see a Z on a tv ad. please thumbs up the video
time for some pictures So, the Z has been moved out of the garage whilst waiting for parts. So I used this opportunity to give it its first proper wash and polish. Then I decided to take some photos for all to see. I have also taken photos of what I think are the most difficult areas and show them to you Hi-res for anyone wanting to see detail: let us know what you think. :zlove:
very impressive. looks lke a painted finish. colour reminds me of the late model 350z colour like this one
nice work man, Im in the process of painting my zed at the moment so i know how painfully slow the whole prep process is. Looks great man, its good when it all finally pays off.
update So to give you guys an update on what's happening and what the plans are. I faced an issue with a corroded brake line. To remove said brake line, both the turbo inlet and outlet pipes had to come off on the passenger side. this kinda sparked a massive engine bay revival. Ive been busy painting the cam covers, coil pack brackets and turbo outlet pipes a metallic red (courtesy of dupli-color metalcast) I also completed a complete wiring reloom today, shortening wires and relooming/taping with some fresh split loom tubing as my wiring was pretty average due to numerous repairs and splices. looks factory fresh now. next up is a poverty plenum polish as I dont have the time to properly polish the whole plenum, so for now just the upper visible surfaces will be polished, looking at powder coating later down the track. after I get it all back together and running it will be onto the interior, then onto perfomance parts I'll get some nice pictures of the bay as is tomorrow for you all
Engine bay right. that took a bit longer than I was anticipating. This it the bay as it stands. I'd still like to clean up some of the extra stuff that just seems messy, but I haven't decided what kind of level I want to go to with that. any input is welcome, as well as criticism of a constructive manner. Plan to properly polish the plenum, still tossing up if I want to powder coat it black or not. Don't know what the next step will be. planning on retrimming the inside, but this wont happen for a while as I have uni to pay and that makes a big impact on my wallet.
Hi Jayben, great job wrapping your Z. Half way through wrapping mine, do you have any hints on how to do the rear bar, quite difficult to do where the concave rear section turns along the side of the car. I can give you some tips on how to do your interior pretty cheaply if you want.