Hi everyone, I'd like to host a tech day next weekend (12th November 2016), after 9am. If you're free and would like to give a hand, would much appreciate it. Full address will be msg'd to those that are coming later during the week (Suburb: Como). If someone has a ECUtalk + laptop, would be grateful if you could bring along. really need to find out what's wrong and what needs to be done. I've bought engine oil and filter, new brake pads and a used alternator, as I recently saw on the cluster Battery flickering, LIGHT on and just today, ANTI-LOCK. Did a quick look on forum and google - seems like alternator is on its way out and possibly have fuse/s blown (drivers side kick panel) - have no idea which replacement ones to buy let alone how to check - so would much appreciate if someone can teach me lol. Have basic tools (Scissor jack, sockets and screwdrivers) but feel free to bring other tools. Beers and food is supplied (if you have a preference, let me know please) Cheers P.S have a spare bonnet now and it's taking up space, so if you want it - make an offer
Thanks mate, would have said Sunday but been asked to work - also shops are open on Sat if I need to buy some parts.
might might be able to make it, that is if you can put up with a non zed owner showing up If so I will bring manuals and a few tools, plus all my bits boxes
Happy to come over, have a laptop with conzult on it if that's any good? just about to purchase the full version. Did the alternator on mine not long ago so happy to help. Cheers, Jay
I was going to suggest ezzupturbo? to make an appearance with his gear, but he is a hard man to contact If you bring a full version, it would be an awesome help. Might have to grab your number afterwards..:rofl:
Oh shit, that just reminded me that I have your consult and injector tester Andy, I completely forgot, the wife cleaned my office and must have moved it out of my eye sight
Thanks everyone for coming down and helping out. Really appreciate it - glad to know we got a code 55 on the old girl.
Yeah working great and no codes. No errors other than me swinging spanners, I should have stayed at home :bash: