As the title suggests, I've recently engine swapped from my old - basically dead Series 1 engine in my 300 manual NA '93 model (VG3oDE) Mechanic who did all the work for me has successfully installed the new engine and he believes it's a series 2 engine (still NA VG30DE) - O2 Sensors replaced, new fuel pump, whole engine machined; and still experiencing dead spots at low rev's and stalling when pressing the clutch in to change gears. He's informed me that he really can't find the solution and the only thing he can suggest is that my Original ECU is not compatible with this new engine - and it's causing engine flooding. I don't know for sure, and I would like some advice from more experienced owners on whether or not this is the case before I go spending experimental money. Is this the problem, and if so, what is the cheapest most viable solution? Thanks.
The FSM has trouble shooting pages, the cheapest way, before buying unnecessarily --- Other thoughts: If the replacement engine had it's own injectors, are they actually NA 270cc injectors? ECU compatibility is only an issue when something has been swapped out that is electrically different. Also check to make sure you haven't plugged your 02 sensors in the adjustable cam ones instead.... I think they're the ones that share the same style. I know one of my cars wasn't plugged in right.
It could be as simple as a split in a hose in the idle air system. A split you can't even see. Or a blockage in an idle air valve. I'd be looking at those. meech, it will probably be a simple thing to fix. But finding the problem will take 10 times longer than fixing it
PS meech, your thread title mentions flooding. Mate, your fault description when driving the car reads more like fuel starvation rather than flooding.