well seeing as everyone seems to have a post about there z story i thought id might start mine. only on my l's at the moment (still have a year left :S) but couldnt pass up the deal for $6500 Bought her on the 6/02/2011 1990 N/A 2+2 Manual in cobalt blue was running great for 2 weeks after i got her home, then got the electrical woes, ended up being the alternator (which got rebuilt, only to die a month later but it got replaced for a brand new one under warranty ) and a few fuses which had blown In the next couple of weeks ill be getting a custom exhaust done i plan on getting the interior redone in leather, new rims and a double din touch screen stereo unit when money permits i also want to remove this dicky wing but the old man goes on how i gotta get the holes welded up and repsrayed so ill have to put up with it for now Photos well thats it for now ill update as i get things done.. slowly
Can I take your time machine for a spin please? Nice ride. I hope it doesn't part you & your money like mine does
This thing was for sale when I was on the market for my Z.. that was more than a year ago! Looks good for the massive mileage.
yeah, they guy i bought it off reckons he was trying to sell it for almost 2 years. starting at 11k he just kept bringing it down and down.
I too remember this being for sale years ago when I started looking for my Zed. Wasn't a fan of the body kit and it has a few kays on it by the looks of things. Make sure you keep up with all the maintenance work on it though. Faulty alternators can be caused by a leaky power steering pump so that might be something to double check. Oh, and welcome to the addiction
we this one hasnt failed yet.. aha. ill keep that in mind. cheers mate i think it has already taken over
nioce zed, not a fan of the body kit tho but wateva takes ya fancy is totally your choice dnt care wat i think or anyone else thinks, i myself recently purchased a n/a Zed in pearl white and have only just got my Ps after 2years the logbook is a pain in the ass but ohwell alls done now, i got my zedo for $2250 which was a steal but it does have high kms and needs a bit of work but I love working on cars it runs in the family so another project the Z disease took me over when my older brother rocked up one day in his new zed 32 twin turbo 4seater manual the lot! ****n mint! and i was in love! haha that zed is now in the shed with the engine out and over 7g slowly been working its way onto the engine after a few years haha and i scored a cheap exhaust system and full nurathane energy bushing kit and KYB shocks so its a start on mine and im loving it! still havent driven it yet haha needs a bit more work but soon and i cnt wait! goodluck with yours tho, looks mint!
cheers buddy funny thing is thats almost exatly how i started to fall in love with zeds, through my brother :zlove:
haha yea hopin to buy a twin turbo engine and work on it over a few years so i can do a conversion when i get my opens XD. yea true MAFIA ZED although the kms are up there, the body looks strait and seems to be a clean car from the pics, i wouldnt be putting to much into the car if it was me tho, u wouldnt get it back if u went to re sell it later on alll in all id pay 5g for it providing it was a strait up ready to drive car no bullshitin around aye
well yes haha trying to find a clean manual N\A 2+2 zed with a rwc in vic (yes im a bit fussy aha) was a litlle harder then I first thought ahah but hey itll do for my 1st car yeah ill be wont be putting MUCH into it aha
For a clean one with a solid motor, yeah. Maybe the previous seller should have wound back the clock to make it seem a little more reasonable for you...
well when i bought it the guy said i think the motor was replaced at some point. so im not sure if it has been and if this engine has actually done 270,000 kms
Either way as long as your happy with the purchase and its healthy and safe then i think its a good deal. As far as we know all the jap import zeds that have under 150k on em in aus really have 300+ so who gives a shit. Hell my 89 model just hit 100,000 a few weeks ago, like **** its legit but yeh the engine has yet to fail me so im happy with it. Your old man is right about the wing though, if you pull it off you will need to get it welded and then the hatch will need to be resprayed.
alarm switch, which has been playing up i unlock the doors, open the door then itll go off aha gotta get it looked at
oh and the one on the sterring colum is also something to do with the alarm/ locking, it flashes when the cars locked..
a little update, just started on pod led conversion. And i turn 17 next week and getting a hid kit and a few other things but i do not know what yet ahah Also have a picture of the front calipers which are red. thanks cru1sr for the photo as you can see the led makes a huge difference only done one light for tonight and ill gradually do it over the next week as im mid year exams for school.
I'm gonna come out and say it... I hate you man. A 300ZX in high school? Didn't get my first 300ZX till I was 21... *grumble* MoulaZX