Hi guys, I live in Clayfield on Franz Road and I always see a white zed drive past like daily. I think it is a TT 4 seater not sure - just wanted to know if he/she is a member of this forum or if I need to make a trip around the corner and put an advert under his/hers wiper. Also I got past Albion Train Station everyday and see a blue 2 seater parked in the car park there - also wondering if they are a member. I might have to do some recruiting. ScottZ :thumbsup:
Make the trip round the corner.....>> Even if they are already a member it is a good way to introduce yourself and foster the spirit of forum togetherness.
Im thinking of doing the same thing Im gonna make up a whole lot of bussiness cardy type things and put them in Z wiper blades
Thats how I found the site.. Last time I was selling my non turbo Lou put. a bit of paper with my model and this web site on my door. I thought that was very kind. Cheers
Someone should design a basic word document... flyer that can be put up in the tech section, or another section of the site and then all anyone has to do is download and print as many copies as they want and distribute them. Saves each member doing their own thing, and very handy, might get to doing it my self as soon as I get microsoft office
I have copies of the one with the red Zed, dark blue Zed with details of the old site, and also the last? one with the current url detials. I'll email them to you Pete.
Thanks Dave......>> I've forwarded them on to Mark so he can put put them up. Hopefully he can do a quick name change on the old Monash addressed ones.
heheh, the only thing I worry about... ...is when the owner see this stranger messing with their wipers. I know one day Im going to get accosted by an irrate zed owner. Especially since the only ride I can point to at the mo is the mazda. Glad to be of service though Ryno. Its always good to bring some new blood into the community. :thumbsup: ..or reminding old blood that there are other members about.
Re: heheh, the only thing I worry about... YOU should worry? ... :LOL: I was about to chase a red Zed on Gold Coast today until I remembered I was in the XF
Know what you mean Rob I waved at a silver Z last week then realised I was in the Starlet:wacko::wacko:
Re: heheh, the only thing I worry about... lol that happend to me as well yesterday, I saw that yellow 'KB' zed and was gonna beep and wave but then i remembered I was in the CRV
Re: FORUM STICKERS LINK INSIDE Who made the type3_blue ones ? I wouldnt mind getting hold of the original hi res graphics so I can run a few 1000 cards out the presses, if anyone if interested ? One of the departments I look after is the College of Printing and Graphic Arts. Stu