Hey guys, Just a quick update, I have had my car complied and it is nearly ready to go :zlove:, just have to fix a few things for roadworthy then she's all good:thumbsup:. I was going to send to the mechanic and get him to do the work, and still will get him to do the majority, but I am having the car go to the mechanic via my house first - it would be a shame to miss an oppor-tune-ity like a long weekend. So i have bought my brake rotors and pads, I also want to do a few maintenance and things (oil/coolant) and try and find any other niggles, everything I can get done this weekend will save me $ at the mechanics. I have very few tools and very little expertise but I am willing to learn, and also if I can get some help to make a shopping list then I will have everything ready. I would like to do it this Sunday or Monday - whichever looks like it will work out best. And I will go all out and put on a carton of beer and maybe even go as far as cooking everyone a sausage. Cheers. ScottZ
i could prob give you a hand on monday > changing rotors isnt too much of a job are you talking front or both front and back??
should only be a couple of hours work if that >> morning would prob be beta and clayfield is only about 30mins from here so not too much dramas.
Ok... Monday - 29 Franz Road Clayfield, off Junction Road. Time: 8AM onwards (or earlier - I will fit into people schedule).
Hey Scott I'll be making an appearance.. do you have enough room to fit my Z in for a rotor change too.. i have jackstands etc... ill come round after i finish work (8:30am) unless i get asked to stay back longer... if not ill see ya's then