'Sticky'...?? Maybe the Mods might consider a return of this thread to 'Sticky' status?? Does it really matter where it appears when it is a unique and worthy cause? Regular (weekly?) updates are all that is required for all who have been able to donate so far... and, I am sure it is less inhibiting to later contributors who have not been in a position to donate earlier, if they know the appeal is still in progress, what amount has been reached, and that ANY amount, large or small, is the RIGHT amount! Keep up the good work, Chili...
LLoyd, You've really done a great thing here!!! The trashing of Andymac's zed was absolutely pointless/thoughtless and should be condemned by all. The response from the car community, not just aus300zx.com, has been extraordinary!!! To publish an outcome would be great. If we are now close then this is something worth experiencing. Cheers, Peter
Thanks Pete, The ambivalence of some of the Moderators/Administrators of the forum, and the subsequent removal of the "Sticky", pretty much stopped this Appeal dead in it's tracks, unfortunately. I have been blown away by the support we have received from members and total strangers, and it will stay with me for quite a long time. We haven't reached our desired target, and although the Appeal remains alive, it seems that we will not get very much more in the foreseeable future, so the time has come to look at our alternative choices for achieving the original purpose of this Appeal. To that end, there are a couple of quite different alternatives available to us at this time(both of which may put Andy in a Z32) but I prefer not to elaborate on either of these until they are closer to fruition. I will be giving further updates as the final outcome draws closer to becoming a reality, but I would like to take this opportunity to once more give my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has played a part in bringing this to the point at which it now finds itself. WELL DONE, YOU GREAT GROUP OF PEOPLE!:zlove::zlove::zlove::zlove::zlove:
Andy Mac appeal Hi Gang, We have just returned from overseas and saw this simply fantastic gesture from a great bunch of people. Lloyd funds on the way Regards Ellie & Tim
I reckon they were more then fair... ...most forums would have said. "nothing to do with the forum tough break he should have been insured" I also believe having this huge sticky on the main page effects performance of the site. I reckon the mods even got PM's from some folks saying "WTF he should have been insured remove this offensive post" Just a guess, some real mean spirited pratts even in the best communities. Anyway with that said I'm kicking the tin again, and if you havn't made a donation you should, even if it's $10, trust me you wont feel bad. Egg
$30 from me... Its not much but better than nothing hey. Looking forward to seeing the car Andymac gets, especially once he has it on the road with a monster motor installed
just want to clarify... Having said that.. call me naive but didn't the insurance lapsed while he was in the middle of selling it? And wasnt the money to goto building V12 VG30DETT for a zed he does or doesnt have? So was he intending to buy another? or does he have another zed? (fair question). If he wasnt why are you all trying to buy him another one? And personally i wouldnt mind seeing his insurance policy before i donated.. Given that it hadn't sold, and the car had been problematic to say the least! As Pauline would say.. please explain.
Your questions are valid, Evil, but so are the countless answers that have appeared in this, and other threads. Please read those posts, as I don't intend answering these same questions over and over again. What do you imagine he was going to fit the V12 into(if not another Z32)? Where was that second Z32 coming from? It was to be purchased as a cheap base(from which to build the project car), and was to be funded by the sale of his then existing Z32. I have no idea what you are trying to achieve with the following remarks, but I don't see anything but mischief intended therein. "And personally i wouldnt mind seeing his insurance policy before i donated.. Given that it hadn't sold, and the car had been problematic to say the least!" quote=Evil Twin;527485]Having said that.. call me naive but didn't the insurance lapsed while he was in the middle of selling it? And wasnt the money to goto building V12 VG30DETT for a zed he does or doesnt have? So was he intending to buy another? or does he have another zed? (fair question). If he wasnt why are you all trying to buy him another one? And personally i wouldnt mind seeing his insurance policy before i donated.. Given that it hadn't sold, and the car had been problematic to say the least! As Pauline would say.. please explain.[/quote]
Ellie, Tim and Drew. Thanks guys, for having your hearts in the right place. No donation is too small, and none go unappreciated. Every bit helps push the total up, and every bit gets us closer to our original intended outcome.:zlove::zlove::zlove: Regards Lloyd(CHILI)
Interesting observation Lloyd.... I consider myself impartial to this specific charity that you have organised in lieu of providing the forum for free which is a charity of its own to the whole Zed Community. Please excuse me for not pandering to your individual needs..
???????????? As I did not nominate any specific individuals in my reply to OZ 300, I am curious as to why you seem so aggrieved by my statement of fact. Surely, Truth is a desirable ingredient in any dealings between individuals, be it spoken or written(and I would have thought that was indisputable, even on a forum)? Your comments make it quite plain as to where you sit on this issue(and you are entitled to an opinion, as are all members), fortunately, quite a few don't subscribe to your point of view.
the feelings mutual Although what your endeverouring to do is remarkably charitable. Not all of us share the passion of your quest. Although the Aus300zx community and forum has supported your efforts, it is just that - your efforts. Your agenda and that of the forum to support each other draw close parallel's. But we don't all have to support your cause. Nor do we have to be subjected to your single mindedness approach to all this, by being critial of anyone that is subjectively critical, or doesnt share your agenda.