This is the message I just received from this member in the USA: There you go, partner. What year and price range was his Zed? I just read he was selling his Zed to fund his V12 turbo Project. Hope the donations can get him up to that price range. We all know how expensive "projects" can get. Good Luck How good is this member? He is on the other side of the planet, and yet has the time and the generosity to send $80 AUD for the AndyMac Appeal. Thank you Marco, you are a true gentleman and a credit to all of us who love our Z32's, and to those who care about each other.
Remmik: You, Sir, are a gentleman! Welcome to the "Aus300ZX Family" We Zedders over this side of the Great Pacific Puddle, have at least had some contact, direct or indirect, with Andy, but for you to come in and help out is a true sign of the Zed brotherhood. Onya, Mate!
CURRENT TOTAL $3635.61(Plus $500 when CRESTA pays). John is currently away on holiday Still creeping up slowly.
second that, doug ..!!! the zed community is truly global .... what a great gesture from our usa colleague .. top stuff, indeed....:zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove:
Thanks for that mate, every bit brings us a little closer to the target. We've come quite a long way in a very short time, thanks to the generosity of a great group of people from all around the globe.:zlove::zlove::zlove:
AndyMac Appeal UPDATE LET'S ALL PUT ANDYMAC BACK IN A Z32 APPEAL This Appeal is being launched to help one of our members whose Z32 was stolen and torched. Unfortunately it wasn't insured at the time. If anyone wants to assist us in getting Andy out of the hole he finds himself in, please consider making a donation for that purpose. Any amount is welcome and greatly appreciated. Andy has in no way requested this assistance, it has grown from the horror that all of us felt when we saw the pictures of the wreck. If as few as 350 members contributed $20 each ( you spend that much in a Pokie or buying one drink in a Club), we could raise $7000 (enough to get a base Z32) which would get Andy back amongst the people who care about him, US. Donations can be placed in a special account, and all donors are welcome to ask for a copy of the Account Statement at any time, details follow: Account Name: LJ and EG CHILCOTT BSB Number: 112-879 Account Number: 482228592 Reference: ANDYMAC Let's all show just what it means to be a Z32 Forum Member (you may just get a warm and fuzzy feeling from knowing you helped someone else who loves Z32's the way you do). UPDATE 26/1/07 A few kind people from have also donated. Kudos to them, thread on that forum is here UPDATE 26/2/07 An amazing $593 was added to the total after yesterday's fundraising event by the members in QLD. Great work folks! This Appeal is still going strong, with a $4600 total so far. We are well on the way to making our objective a reality, due entirely to the incredible generosity of so many people from all around the planet. We CAN do this, and we WILL.
Why no STICKY Rob >> Without the sticky that this had on the Z Related, it will soon disappear off the front page & members that have donated won't know what's happening. Could you please put a STICKY back on this, or is that asking too much this long after the event. Cheers Kerry
Hi Kerry. STICKY was due for being unstuck today, a joint decision of all Mods, following PexZed's fundraiser. I moved thread here to NZR so it may remain alive as long as there are Members willing to contribute. :zlove: :zlove: :zlove:
Rob, do you reckon will it upset the mods/members if a few of us monitor the NZR front page and "bump" this every now and then? For example, after it has been OFF the front page for 24hours. Cheers, Doug
Thanks >> for the explanation Rob, but how are people going to know about it & contribute if its not Stuck Up. It will eventually fall off the front page list, & how many really look at all the pages to see if they have missed something. just my opinion or if you like 2c worth. Cheers Kerry