OK friends, I'm not sure if this is in the appropriate forum, but if not, perhaps the Mods can make a "Sticky" out of it. This Appeal is being launched to help one of our members whose Z32 was stolen and torched. Unfortunately it wasn't insured at the time. If anyone wants to assist us in getting Andy out of the hole he finds himself in, please consider making a donation for that purpose. Any amount is welcome and greatly appreciated. Andy has in no way requested this assistance, it has grown from the horror that all of us felt when we saw the pictures of the wreck. If as few as 350 members contributed $20 each ( you spend that much in a Pokie or buying one drink in a Club), we could raise $7000 (enough to get a base Z32 which would get Andy back amongst the people who care about him, US. Donations can be placed in a special account, and all donors are welcome to ask for a copy of the Account Statement at any time, details follow: Account Name: LJ and EG CHILCOTT BSB Number: 112-879 Account Number: 482228592 Reference: ANDYMAC Let's all show just what it means to be a Z32 Forum Member (you may just get a warm and fuzzy feeling from knowing you helped someone else who loves Z32's the way you do). I'm pledging $100 (because I want to) how about you????? Lloyd(CHILI) UPDATE 26/1/07 A few kind people from supraforums.com.au have also donated. Kudos to them, thread on that forum is here
you champion.....let me be the first to assist, on Tuesday midnight when i get paid ill pledge a donation. good luck andymac
Was thinking about this earlier today and have decided that some of the additional funds left over from phillip island accomodation (provided we have left over funds which i think we should based on who has said they are coming) should go towards this and i will also make a contribution myself of $50, Hope to see you back in a zed soon andy
go andy me and kathy will be glad to make a donation as well,will make it later in the week,simon :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove:
Sounds great I'll contribute shortly. And the beers are on us at the Sydney techday this sat. Money is good too, but free beer should really cheer a man up
Andy Appeal Hi Chili I just made a payment for $50 to the account. I have yet to meet Andy but hey its for a good cause. Well Done Chili your a true gentlemen Regards ADEMON (Theo)
I donated $20. Chili you're a champ for organising this, I hope Andymac is back in another beautiful Z soon. It's fantastic to see People donating to help a fellow enthusiast. I cant imagine many other car clubs doing this. Peter
Donation from me Wed Midnight! Hey all, I can't say I've personally met anyone from the forum, but hey, we all in love with the same girl, so we all have to be good people, and well Andy, I would hate to be in your shoes, so if a donation helps get you closer to having a new lady in your life:zlove: , then so be it! Chili, I hope I get to meet you some day because what you have decided to do is really awesome, I hope everyone does find it in their hearts to make a lil donation to make someone real happy. All the best with this appeal bro! Cheers Reggie
I'd be happy to make a donation. I get paid on wednesday and will make the transfer when I go to the bank to get my money for my shiny new rims. Aren't there other forum members who had there cars stolen? I think metentori had his stolen. Could we set up a big doantion account for all the guys?
while I'm kinda undecided as to whether it's the right thing to do as there may be others caught in a similar situation thinking 'what about me? why am I not worthy?' bottom line for me is, I wanna see that V12 Z!
u da man chiliman for organising this......transaction done!!! donated $50 for a good cause all the best to ya andy bro, hope to see you in your V12 Z soon cheers
Hi, I expected this to be raised, and while I mean no disrespect to any of the other members whose cars have been nicked, this particular event has stunned most of the people who saw the pictures(and witnessed the mindless destruction. Keriste, they didn't even strip it, they just destroyed it). That isn't to say that others are unworthy, just that this act has really brought it home to many of us. I get phone calls almost every day, from one charity or another(and I donate to many of them, because it doesn't seem too big an issue, and I'm a soft touch), but I never see any result for those donations. This time, I feel it's a bit too close to home, and I really want to see someone get a helping hand, without asking for help for themselves. The fact that it may make me feel better is also high on the list, even if that is a bit self-indulgent.:zlove::zlove:
Couldn't afford much atm. Hope it helps Andy get back in a nice ...NA? I'm assuming since he is doing a v12 tt engine, that an NA will be chosen for replacement?
thank you unca chili. please now ignore my earlier pm and post re setting up an account ... transfer to your nominated account will be made this night.. well done .... but remember .. andy's new zed must be beautiful BLACK .. he is a man of great and exquisite taste ... :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: EDIT: ..transfer done ...
I'd be shopping for a TT with a blown engine, less hassles with stuff like capacity limits of the transplant etc.