NOT HAPPY! TwinZ Rear Bar

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by NVZ32, Jun 20, 2011.

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  1. NVZ32

    NVZ32 Expensive Garage Ornament

    I dont know why people are jumping in with anti UAS/Rob260 posts, whether or not the GB was a group buy or not and blah blah blah

    If you dont like them then fair enough you have your reasons, BUT for the most part i think BOTH of them have more then helped out fellow members with discounts and good deals on zed parts,
    Everyone eventually got there rear bars and at a good price (whats the problem) yes mine and others have had significant damage and i believe thats a fault of UAS for poorly packaging, we are only human and hindsights a wonderfull thing but no need to kick a man while hes down, as long as my bar is repaired to a state im satisfied with then i will continue to use UAS, maybe the benefit of this thread will have UAS change policy on the way they ship out delicate items in the future to prevent things like this happening again

  2. NVZ32

    NVZ32 Expensive Garage Ornament

    BOOBIES:drool:......... were saying :p

    Agreed there have been lots of people getting ahead of themselves QLD vs NSW, chilli conspiracy theories etc mob v rob260/UAS

    End of the day

    -Expensive bar

    -Poorly packed by UAS

    -Got broken

    -Needs fixing

    -Maybe UAS will learn and send things like that packed safely to avoid future issues
  3. Altari

    Altari '89 2+2 TT Manual

    Sorry! For the record, you need to remove them from the quote too. From what I can tell you just quoted a pic of boobs. ;)

    For what it's worth I believe the chosen packaging is shocking. :/
  4. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    This is why I initially closed the thread, but after a PM discussion with the OP, I reopened it at his request :)
    We all knew which way it would head, it's just the degree of malevolence that will be revealed.
    Just keep the discussion relevant.
    We don't need crusaders of justice, the affected members will find their own path with the suppliers, and these members, (both suppliers of the products and customers) are well aware of what is at stake with any decision they take.
  5. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    You might like to button your lip matey. There was only one post in this thread that eludes to imagined wrongdoing and demands for investigation and disclosure(and it didn't come from me).
    You're apology will be accepted in good faith(try to make it some time soon, I'm getting older).:p:zlove:
  6. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Are you trying to suggest that any item obtained through a GB, delivers no profit to anyone involved in the manufacture/supply/sale?
    No profit to the organizer of the GB, certainly is a requirement, but to the supplier/importer/manufacturer? I think you're way off base with that reasoning.:eek::eek:

    Implying that the people involved in running the GB were somehow doing so in breach of forum guidelines, has exactly what connection with an item being damaged in transit?:confused::confused::confused:
  7. NVZ32

    NVZ32 Expensive Garage Ornament

    Settle down.. I was just refering more from adamness(BUTTONS post) as an "In general" not that you have posted a conspiracy theory...YET :cool:

    Geez you ol' timers get grumpy in the arvo :p .... now back in ya box Lloyd;):zlove:

  8. Raheen

    Raheen Active Member

    This illustrates

    I think JP has done the right thing in this thread, this thread maybe shouldn?t have been taken public so quickly who knows, not for me to say. However anything UAS/Rob do as we have seen can easily become a divisive topic of conversation as soon as there are some bumps in the road for a given transaction, some people rightly/wrongly justified or not have some strong opinions and love to add their two cents worth regardless of direct involvement or not, me included. Again not my role to say if this appropriate as this is a public forum.

    My point is there are people who hold some strong views and love to express at every chance, my question is why do they, are there alot disgruntled/jealous people who harbour resentment towards UAS/JP, why only UAS copping it and not other more prominent members/business operators?

    I hope these threads get furthur consideration from JP, get him thinking why do these normal businss issues turn into world war 3 for him and not others who have similar business models? it would be great for UAS/JP try and sus out why any minor UAS related transaction turn into a shit fight so easily/quickly? think there is a perception/pr issue for them for what ever reasons and if it were my business i would wanna know what it is, how it started, what keeps it going and how to nip it in the bud ASAP.
  9. NVZ32

    NVZ32 Expensive Garage Ornament

    Regardless to when this thread should should't have been made public is irelevant.
    It was NOT intended to drag UAS through the mud but to disclose my uspet and frustration at a product i recieved in the mail and for people to see it and for anyone else who has had a similar issue with theres to be able to voice up and maybe UAS policy will change on how they ship these sort of things seems the masses vendetta against UAS for whatever reason(who knows) have stirred this ensuing sh*t fight..
    I continue to support JP and UAS as i believe they are a valuable part of our community andwe a currently working on getting the issue sorted
    everything else being fliung around has nothing to do with this thread and in my opinion seems pointless and not helping anyone
  10. Raheen

    Raheen Active Member


    the off topic rambling/bitching is helping, maybe you dont think it is, but if no one cared to butt into this thread the negative publicity is alot lower and your chances of getting your bar fixed faster/better is reduced.

    The point im trying and dont get your shirt in a twist is there is a message here some people have bees in their bonnet re UAS and if were my business i would wanna know why, rectify the situation and stop it from happening again.

    Sure some people will whinge come hell or high water but alot of people can be brought back from the brink with the right message/jestures etc etc reducing the occurance and severity of these mud slinging post can only help UAS's business. That may happen it might not happen, if lessons arent learnt from similar threads like this one which come up from time to time you gotta ask why not.. it might be too big a job for a small company like UAS to get a grip on where the mud is coming from and why then try and tackle it, i hope not for everyones sake as it would be sad for many to see them just ignore zeds and focus on skylines which are probably alot more profitable for them anyway.
  11. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

    1 layer of bubble wrap = fail.
  12. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    Abuse V Facts

    I had intended to desist from further posting in this thread. however, the several fallacious posts and deliberately twisted comments today from the usual sources should not be left unanswered.

    WHINGERS, MOANERS, TERMITES. The same old pejorative, emotive laden, barrage of personal abuse hauled out on these now regular events in an attempt to suppress, inhibit and block substantive discussion and participation in an open thread.

    Some basic facts:

    1. At no point in the thread was discussion restricted to "G/B Participants". This old hoary is dragged out solely as a red herring in an attempt to defend the indefensible. It is interesting to note that neither of the posters of the abuse and the one introducing this particular point were G/B participants. self contradictory in the extreme.

    2. Participants surely had a reasonable and normal expectation that a $900.00 purchase would be safely and securely packed for shipment. A $5.00 single sheet of bubble wrap, clearly and inarguably, does not meet the test. cheap and nasty, pathetically inadequate. Any effort to justify and rationalise it as anything else defies belief.

    - Clearly, the G/B organiser believed that the bars would be boxed for shipment (Rob260 - 02/02/2011 in discussing shipping costs if Bar/Skirts were shipped as a combined package from Sydney: Quote "... short answer if side skirts can fit in the same box, then no ...." and on 03/04/2011 " ... shipping to you in Melbourne would be $100 and includes packaging ... ").

    - The unanswered question is therefore: when and why was the decision made to use an inferior product, bubble wrap, as sole protection for an expensive bit of gear.

    For all those termites out there, one positive does emerge . Termites are socially cohesive and do have a contributory function in the balance of Nature: butt prone apologists and sycophants contribute nothing.

    The Murphy's Dog syndrome will now, undoubtedly, run riot.
  13. NVZ32

    NVZ32 Expensive Garage Ornament

    For want of a nail...the horseshoe was lost. For want of a horseshoe, the steed was lost. For want of a steed...the message was not delivered. For want of an undelivered message.....the war was lost.
    (I.E for a $5 box....well ya get the idea)

    All i can say now is....

    WANTED: "NEW" undamaged TwinZ type II rear bar diffuser to suit 2+0
  14. Mitch

    Mitch Has one gear: GO

    I only speak english and swahili... but I am not fluent in analogy.
    You mean to say that you lost 'the war' ?

    UNIQUE ZED Zed Racing World

    As someone here mentioned this should have been handled off the forum, if not resolved and clearly unsatisfactory result, then it should be put on the forum for others to know as a warning and if asked for, advice given. We tried to save money and not insure these which would cost a fair bit more, we did not pack them well and will wear the cost of reasonable cost of repairs or refund. At the time there was an increase in workload for freight coimpanies with the ash cloads effecting air freight, adding to the workload, making more chance of less care and more damage it seems. We normally have goods damaged only once or twice a year on average. There were no requests to insure any of them, which in future we will at least clearly give the option to do, even though it is stated in our terms and conditions sent out via email? In future we will need to charge more for packing, which needs to be better.
    At no time did we not do the right thing by the customer, after the fact, and at the very start mentioned we would sort it. I appreciate fellow zedders wanting to help and stick up for others and give advice. The carry on by some on this thread though does not help, or justified. Even a moderator Angry Bear? flaming things set the stage and is a concern for the forum.

    Have a nice day and be friends.
  16. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member

    Enough said, close thread :)

  17. angrybear

    angrybear Moderator

    I made the observation, based on the image, that I could guess where the single sheet of bubblewrap came from - Peru. That looked to me like the maximum UAS input to the packaging of these items was perhaps a roll of sticky tape, though I didn't include that latter thought. All that came back was histrionics and noise. I guess that's as good as I am ever going to get to a confirmation.

    Flaming? - more like a case of self-immolation. A concern for the Forum? Now there's a street that runs two ways.
  18. angrybear

    angrybear Moderator

    I will close this thread now, but not so as I get the last word. If JP wants another swing then he can send it to me by PM and I'll post it up.

    All I have ever wanted was a good outcome for those with damaged bars. So we are all waiting on NVZ32 and Romonski now to report back on their end result and the thread needs to be suspended to wait for that. In fact we were at that point a while back, but the monster grew another head.
  19. angrybear

    angrybear Moderator


    Hi Barry, FYI we bought a large roll of bubble wrap to pack these rear bars which we dividually wrapped with a minimum of one layer and had extra on the corners.
  20. mattyj

    mattyj New Member

    you can't ask for more then a full refund mate! i would take it......
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