Z32 nissan font

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by TordeK, Dec 21, 2024.

  1. TordeK

    TordeK Member

    Anyone have the Nissan font by chance? I have the standard and decal one however I'm after the "outline" style font??? I want to have the original decal re-created as I'm unable to locate it anywhere.

    Excuse the pole in the middle of the image.

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  2. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    This is one I have had saved for many years but can't confirm if it is 100% the one you want

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  3. TordeK

    TordeK Member

    Yeah there the same ones i have. I have however figured it out. Unbelievable. In word (or im sure in photoshop also) you can do text effects and set it to no fill and add outline....looks like this. Turns out it is, Just needs effects.


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    NI85 and BigCol like this.

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