Can't wait to see this thing go down the stip Didn't you run a 14 flat or close to it when N/A? You must be awesome out of the blocks.
Ran 14.5 NA on cheap tyres with mega wheelspin in 1st gear. My 97.6mph trap was good for a very low 14. Picked up my nistune board last night too
For your nitrous you should look at the stand alone fuel enrichments systems they provide. Im gonna use 100% methonal for my enrichment fuel on direct port 200 shot. saves you taking fuel from rail and getting that pressure drop.
Made some changes to my compound idea, I have found a way to bypass the small turbo compressors when the large turbo gets spooled up in effect allowing it to act as a big single when on full boost allowing a larger range of turbo options because I no longer have to balance out compressors and pressure ratios. Will update wirh a drawing when I get to a pc stock turbo response with gt42- gt45r top end ...
Finally got the bloody engine done(well almost), glad to have it back. I would have had it done a long time ago, Mechanic told me someone paid a lot of money and a lot of work was done on the engine, too bad whoever did it had no bloody clue. What i had done was: New Timing Belt New Idlers + Tensioners New Seals all round ALL new gaskets - except headgaskets New Water Pump New Oil Pump ACL Race Bearings - Mains and rods New Sump OEM Manual Turbos Fitted EGR Deleted Flywheel Machined Comp tested 148-156, which isn't too bad. Still Need to fit a speedi-sleeve to the crank at the rear main seal, nice big groove in there. Funny enough there was no seal beforehand, just loads of black silicone with red silicone over it! haha!
No gaskets anywhere, just silocone on everything. From the plenum to the rear main it was all just siliconed on, even the bloody balance tube had no o-rings in it. EGR was bypassed but done very dodgy, lots of bolts and nuts were missing from when things were removed/replaced. Turbo water lines were completely blocked so it caused the last set of turbos to seize. Sump was pissing out oil and missing bolts. Off the top of my head
It costs around 35 per sleeve. Theres a table on the speedi sleeve site to figure out what you need. Get one for front and back. I have had a conversation with another forum member regarding the cam seal locating groove. I say they're machined in, others tell me the seals have worn them...
Put a bit of this on the shaft when you knock the sleeve on. Doesn't hurt to use it on the outside of the new seal either.
Eh, turns out the sleeve is the wrong one for the crank so have to order a new one. Ordered new vacuum lines, a boost control solenoid for my profec B and a LC-1 gauge for my wideband. Just installed brand new water lines for the turbos and heater pipes at the back of the motor along with a new dipstick.
What firmware are you running in the LC1? If it's the latest on their website it's crap lol. PM your email if you want the v120rc4 code.
Ok so after a long screw around with the sleeve, the proper one should be arriving tomorrow. Also managed to get myself a set of coned 2.5" Turbo outlet pipes and a spare set of 2.5" turbo intakes that COZ had Should help for the drags when i bypass the FMIC, i can put a 2.5" U-shaped pipe in between the turbo outlet and the TB's and turn on the pre turbo water injection on