Hello guys, I have tried to search around but couldn't find anyone has a similar problem. Please see this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt5tRUecgjw Basically it's making a hiss noise intermittently (no pattern) when the car is cold. The noise goes away completely after the car is warmed up. Initially I thought it was the heat shield on the exhaust manifold but the problem persists even after I replaced it with a set of extractors. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Hard To hear. Is It that thing that sounds like loose sheet metal? Cause That's what it sounds like. Are You sure it's not coming from under the car. I'm Thinking cat shields.
Thanks mate. Finally identified the noise is coming from the sump. I guess I will have to drop the sump at some point to find out wth is going on.
Just a note don't start the car with the sump off to hear the noise :rofl: People have done similar things before so....
:agree: Lol! Thanks for the PM too brother, that's exactly how I identified it today with a stethoscope while my car is on hoist. Any idea how long it takes to drop the sump? From reading other posts it seems I need to remove the cross member too :bash:
Yeah everyone I'm aware off pulls the member off. I read once you can just drop it but that sounds annoying to me because the sump will be more fiddly. Goodluck with it though! Once you find the actual issue let us know.
Can I suggest that you seek professional help(and/or change your circle of 'Friends')?:bash::rofl::br:
Mostly, because it has been a 'long held belief' that "pulling-off one's Member" leads to blindness(and other associated, debilitating conditions).:W::br:
I would have guessed injector rattle or PCV related sounds. I guess sump noise would be hard to hear unless car was up in the air with you underneath trying to pinpoint sound.
Quick update I know it has been a while. Finally got some time off during Christmas and NY to fix this problem. Bought a brand new TT oil pump and a new oil strainer. Went ahead and dropped the front cross member to remove the sump. Spent two days on this job but it's worth it. THE COLD NOISE IS GONE! However now the car is making a whining noise after 3000rpm (sound like supercharger). Silly me did not check the tensioner gap after putting the timing belt back :bash::bash::bash::bash: Have to find another time to re-check the T-belt. Thanks everyone for your input and happy new year.
Hi Martin, I visually inspected both the pump and strainer and they looked alright. I plan to disassemble the oil pump to check the clearance once I get a chance. I believe it has something to do with the o-ring in between the pump and strainer. Given it only makes noises when oil is cold suggests the o-ring is deteriorated. Under the normal temperature the o-ring expands and fills in the gap which stops the air from sucking in. Just a theory at the moment but I believe Nissan realised this design flaw and replaced the o-ring with a metal gasket. Cheers.