Well people where complaining about the length of the last thread as it doesn't work well with stupid retarded forum reading mode.... Click here for the first thread Not too much to show at the moment. Pulled the motor and gearbox out again. Also put on my 2K lights Now I've had them in my hot little hands and compared them to standard lights they are soooo much nicer. The obligatory before and after. All that junk in the background is my future brother in law's skyline crap Also got myself a new toy Makita metal cutoff saw, will make doing the extractors much easier and safer than just using the 4" to cut everything. I've started making the mounts too, more info once I know they will work
Bit of motivation for me more than anything, but you guys will probably like it Steve's drag S14 with a VH45. He just put in some 272deg cams with very mildly ported heads. Sounds beastie! Clicky!
Looks nice... The lights look soooooo much better! They look really sexy on a red zed. Good luck with the project. Will definitely be interesting and very unique. Cheers Rob.
They look great Chrispy 100% better . Glad your happy with them and they arrived safely. Keep up the good work :thumbup: Cheers Fran
Bonnet hump idea. Chrisp, not sure if you will be having a hole in your bonnet. How about this for a cover. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/AVS-Auto-Ventshade-992001-Sport-Compact-Cowl-Hood-Scoop_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ66Q3a4Q7c65Q3a1Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem180329849521QQitemZ180329849521QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
To comply with the code of practise it has to be made from the same material as the bonnet if any part of the intake maifold sticks through. Yeah, that's Steve's. Knocked it up in his spare time when not working on the V8 S14 drag car
Well a busy weekend! I put the spigot bush in! Had to machine it down to 20mm (+2 thou, -0). Standard Zed bronze one to start with. Also knocked up a quick workbench on saturday arvo And here are some details on the 4 point rear roll cage. Looks like nearlly all the trim bits will fit back on too! Just need to trim those little clip in bits on top behind the seats. Rear Mount Floor Mount, also bolts through lower seatbelt mount. Pillar mount, through the upper seatbelt mount.
all looking very nice, i was wondering what was happening with this. keen to see the results. also that vid, very nice.
Haha, yep, and the sub is going back in It all clears fine Nah, that's the bracket for the fire extinguisher.
Oh! Aren't I lucky! A set of OEM optional 2K spec Recaro's! Hehehe! Fantastic condition, really comfy too! Love 'em!
Where did you pick these bad boys up? I was thinking leather re-trim, but now I'm leaning towards recaros