as the title says ive locked the keys in the car. is there any way of opening the car without calling someone out or smashing a window. i cant call racq or anything
You can destroy one of the lock barrels with a screw driver, wouldn't suggest it. Lock smith will be able to help. They'll usually slide something between the glass and the moldings, expand it and then gain access to the rods going to the lock barrel.
Just call them, they might be able to help or they might just laugh PS don't destroy the door barrel. Sacrifice the Hatch barrel as a last resort.
A competent lock smith will be able to pick your car door lock and open the door in seconds. I've seen this with my own eyes both when I hired one to unlock my car and to unlock my home (many years ago).
Also, if you lose your keys (eg you thought you locked them in the car) after the RacQ unlock the door, it is a lot easier to remove the rear hatch lock and take it to the lock smith to get a new key cut. So don't destroy the hatch barrel unless you can see the keys in the car. Let racQ do it.
keys are staring me in the face on the drivers seat and the drivers door barrel is already stuffed. im not working so i cant exactly spend hundred on a 2 min break and enter nor do i fancy paying for the tow job booked today and replacing hatch glass or more barrels. so there isnt anyway in excpet ringing a locksmith or smashing a window?
Keys in plain view on the seat. If your car is parked in the street you can just wait for someone to smash the window for you If you can't afford RACQ or a locksmith, you can't afford replacement glass. If the lock barrel is already stuffed then the locksmith is the best choice, he can fix it so that it matches your lock set. Are you insured because someone might have tried to break in to your car and damaged the key barrel. How much is your excess, are you on lifetime no claim bonus? If every Zed owner nearby dropped by and tried their key, maybe your stuffed door lock would open for one of them.
its just ctp atm so no dice on that one. ill just make sure i have a spare cut next time. thats what i get for being absent minded sometimes
But don't tell anyone it is that easy. Still had to get it through the window. Get a remote locking actuator and keep it with your keys, you'll never lock them in again. Unless the car is locked and you open the hatch to get something and the keys drop out of hand bounce off gut into boot as hatch slams shut You could also try this. The keys are always attached to your belt via a 60cm stainless steel retractible tether. $2
yeah i quite like the retractable ones. i think while my zed is m.i.a i might get a couple spares cut and hide them thru out the house. but knowing how easy it was is a touch worrying.
To add my 2 cents worth, if you ever consider smashing a window, make it the windscreen as it is the easiest one to replace, in fact you can usually get someone out straight away to replace it. Aside from that, call a professional. I once locked the keys in the zed and the local nrma guy had the car open in seconds.
Guys the car in question has been opened; it may seem overly cautious of me to ask this BUT please let's not post any more instructions for breaking into our cars on a public forum. Thanks!
Rob, you are not being overly cautious for bringing it to the attention of the forum members. Anything that we divulge on here, be it security upgrades or anything is able to be viewed by the public as this is a public forum that can & is viewed by all & sundry (police / thieves / vandals / etc. etc. We need to be vigilant on what we disclose on this forum. We need to be more selective as to how much info gets put out there as it can be detrimental to our ownership / possession of what I consider a great & unique car. I know the forum is for us fellow likewise 'Z' enthusiasts & to discuss / help each other with issues that may arise & this makes it difficult not to disclose certain things about our pride & joy. But if there is a question / issue that may require a response that's best kept from public viewing then just send a PM. I hope you agree & understand what I'm trying to explain & make aware here. I now have my flak jacket on. Cheers Grahame.
When I was asked for this information several years ago(and posted it on this Forum)there was NO panicked backlash, nor any rash of Z32 break-ins. Do any of you really believe that our aging cars are so desirable that there will be an onslaught of theft as a result of me providing this information(for the THIRD time in the past few years)??? I would respectfully suggest that the majority of amateur car thieves are well versed in the art(and the rest of us would never consider stealing a Z32, once we have experienced the kaleidoscope of problems associated with Z Ownership).:rolleyes2::zlove::br:
I Do agree with you Chili, but the world has changed, and not for the better. People do not seal cars for the money value today. They do it for their fun and a chase and don't care about the consequences. Rob260 is doing the right thing suppressing the means to easy access to our cars from prying eyes of the internet. Yes the scum that seal cars have way more knowledge than we do on technique, but why make it any easier for them.
I know what Rob's motivation was(and I have no problems with that)however, I WOULD like to know just how many Z's were stolen/broken into after I previously provided this exact same info on this site.:rolleyes2::br:
it is a really fair point, I'm not sure I would like people walking past my car knowing they just need to jimmy the lock with a screw driver to get in... it might even be a good idea to move this to the members only section if we still have it? at least that way only members can read the thread, not the general public.. this reminds me of an event that happened a few years ago in Ireland, where an Irishman locked his keys in his car, Emergency services had to be called and it took them all night to free his wife and kids who were trapped inside.... thank god that wasnt the situation here.
A target car is going to get stolen regardless of the anti-theft devices that the car came with or are installed later on..... if the thieves want it bad enough then there's very little you can do to prevent it Most car thefts are an "opportunity" theft, such as keys left in the ignition etc, I'm sure most of us have a spot in our homes where all car keys are 'stored' and I'm sure 99.9% of your friends/family would know exactly where that spot is and most likely any stranger that visits you is probably aware of that location too if that's what they are scanning for Opportunity theft also targets the stupid things we leave in plain sight with easy access, who in their right mind would leave their Cannon 5D mkIII with the 400mm lens attached sitting on the drivers seat and with the windows down, or the new smart phone with the wallet/purse laying right nest to it ? STUPID HAPPENS :bash: And yet on the recent GOR run I had +$20,000 worth of camera gear in my zed, and not one person was aware of the fact other than my 2 sons. The gear was not in 'obvious' camera bags, wasn't in easy plain sight, and was covered with other less desirable shit..... and I never even locked the car once :rofl: The fancy (& expensive) anti-theft wheel nuts we "believe" will stop the scumbag from taking our expensive set of bling from under our car are very easily bypassed by the person that's dedicated enough to get them.... Old mate of mine who was very handy at "finding" specific wheels became so good at it there was no real protection from stopping him, you cant imagine my horror when he removed my lock nuts on the passenger side of my car faster than I could remove them WITH THE RIGHT TOOL from the drivers side :bash: So...... The Chilli-Brake-in (not related to the brace in any way) is already common knowledge for the specialised car thief, in fact I'd bet they have a better and faster way anyway :rofl: So its only the "opportunity theft" that maybe prevented by not disclosing the relevant info....... the next question is how to "store" that knowledge and use it wisely...... members only section ????? but any person that joins can access that even without making a single post Pexed's tech site ???? yep that's another fail...:bash: How about we just link them to Chilli via a PM ??? and when a car is stolen it, does it place ALL the blame on Chilli for not scrutineering the member well enough.... Perhaps a mod should take on that responsibility ??? [insert scattering mods sound here] :rofl: as weird as it seems........ the subject should just be left alone except for the words SEARCH NOOB or pay a locksmith