Z32 Haltec Dash

Discussion in 'Technical' started by ivan129, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. ivan129

    ivan129 Active Member

    Is anyone using a Haltec Digital Dash in your 300, Z32? If so, can you please post up some pictures and your comments on the Dash. Thanks
  2. TordeK

    TordeK Member

    are they street legal? was contemplating installing one but i was unsure if there allowed on the road? (WA)
  3. ivan129

    ivan129 Active Member

    show me the rule book that states their not. I could be wrong, but I'd assume as long as you have a working speedo, the dash would be compliant.
    very happy with my Haltech stuff... it just works..
  4. TordeK

    TordeK Member

    fair enough :p

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