Cheers... was hoping to finalize the tune/results this time, but I guess when you are pushing the envelope a little, things will crop up. I know there have been higher figures attained but some of these were after a number of broken engines ... I am trying not to break mine.
Careful you will get people all upset & they will start on the "that car would never make that power in Australia" song & dance :rofl:
No, we only say that when people claim they made 10kw more than this, on smaller turbos, less boost and no water injection or E85 ...this result actually looks genuine :br:
Come on kiddies play nice, some light hearted banter is good ... BUT, please don't destroy this thread. If you havn't already worked it out yet I tend to do things with my car that are outside the norm and without spending huge amounts of money doing it. I like to pass on my experiences, good or bad to other enthusiasts for their information. I am not interested at all in personal bickering sessions about who's is bigger. I will how ever point out that my car was run on the same Dyno with same tuner and at the same time of year as the car referred to a few posts back. I believe we would all be much better off if other peoples results/achievements were viewed with open minds, we might just learn something... after all we are not dealing with an exact science here and some things happen that defy what we think should happen. Sorry for waffling ... if you want to discuss various aspects of the build/results discuss away.
Was it BP 98 or Mobile 98 you were running on? If you are going to swap for bigger exh manifolds please hammer it with what you currently have & get the most you possibly can then swap to the bigger ones. I'd be interested to see the result.
Always run BP 98. If I go to bigger Exhaust manifolds it won't be until next year so will defiantly try max ( without breaking it ) the current setup first... would be useful to find out what the real world performance difference is.
Cheers ... when I have sorted the Crankcase Breathing issue I will be back to the tuner to lift the top-end boost and flatten the "humpy" bit.
Finally had some time to sit down and have a look at what difference Water Injection makes. Ignition Timing: W/O Water = 14.5 degrees @ 7000 rpm ... 23psi With Water = 22.5 degrees @ 7000 rpm ... 23psi Power diff = extra 44 rwkw ... the cam advance is most likely holding the power back at this rpm.
great timing with water . its a double edge sword with the cam advance , more topend will sacrifice the spool .. try it and see the difference and judge the topend gain vs lost spool . every engine/setup responds differently . . E85
Closest E85 is 1.5 hour drive away Will have a play with the cam timing next time ... @+6 degrees max. boost was achieved at 4700-4800 with max. torque in at 4900rpm so some where in-between is the sweet spot.
So on your above posted graphs that's +8 degrees making you your spool and torque come in 200rpms earlier at around 4500-4600rpm? .
Just had a look at the tune for the blue car & found at 7KRPM & a fraction more than 23PSI Mines running 15 degrees so pretty similar. Would be interesting to compare full timing maps one day just to see what differences there might be. E85 will be at Hampton Downs very soon & we have it here in Hamilton already, they just need an outlet in Taupo & I'd consider swapping over - would need bigger injectors though.
To clarify ... current Inlet can timing = +10.5 degrees which has the spool and torque coming in about 200 rpm sooner than when the Inlet cam's were set at +6 degrees which isn't much, but the Torque is up 120nm's.
That's awesome well done. 22.5 is more than I thought you would be running. You gonna turn the boost up?