Hi Guys For those of you that have already registered on 3ZC, here is the link for all of the information. http://www.300zxclub.com/showthread.php?t=148926 For those who haven't and will eventually if they are interested in this product, I'll try to give a brief intro. Andy "ANDY93Z" Anderson a regular member from 3ZC has already placed events in motion to have clear headlight lenses made. These new lenses will be completely clear with no exterior nipples as in the USDM Z's and have no interior fluting as is the case with every Z headlight including the Lambo guys. He has already made prototypes that have proven very very effective. So much so that he's almost doubled his functional illluminating capabilities while still using halogen bulbs in his projectors. Those of you who have already split open their headlights and by chance have hooked them and turned them on prior to replacing the fluted oem lense will know exactly what I mean by the effectiveness of our projector if not incumbered by the flutes on the oem lenses. Included in that 5 page thread is another link for another thread wherein a member did a projector (e43) swap using the Z's 2.5" projector lense in that swap. The beam pattern produced is something that is highly praised by criticall eyes on HID Planet. AT any rate that other person had though he had the ultimate headlight improvement until it came time to replace the outer lense. As soon as he did that the beam pattern got washed out and slightly blurred. So much so that it almost negated any illumination improvements that he made. The bottom line here is that this is addressing one of the Z's biggest sore spots - headlight illumination. Although many of us have already done an HID upgrade, this lense upgrade could be characterized as improving your illumination by the same amount percentage-wise after the HID refit. To me this is fantastic news. On top of all of this Andy has already invested a measurable amount of personal funds in the R&D of this product and as a result has found a manufacturer and is basically committed to having 500 pairs made. In order for this to work, he's asked a few people (like me) to spread the word. Something I don't mind doing. Andy has already established himself as a bonafide maker of Z goodies that can be verified in the various regional club. He's made ZX logo plates to replace the Nissan hamburger, ZX center caps for our wheels, ZX keychains, ball hats, licence plate holders etc, etc etc. This is one of two big projects that he's getting very excited about. His thread will also offer the option of having the lenses tinted. What you should also know that by him willing to have the manufacturer produce 500 sets means that he wants to be able to sell all 500 sets. With that goal in mind, you can anticipate a very very good product for a very very reasonable price. Don't even ask what the estimated cost will be because I and he doesn't know for sure and it's not good business to speculate in public less the public will challenge anything that's not within those confines. Lets just say that Andy's not planning to retire on what little profit margin is achieved. Heck, he's not even sure if he's going to break even. I know for my self that anything that's going to produce the results that I've seen in past R&D pics and other's headlight projects, is definitely going to get my support and money. I strongly urge anyone who's been looking for that edge on better headlight illumination, be it to augment their HID upgrade, improve on their halogen bulb's (globe's) capability or looking for that perfect outer lense after doing a projector upgrade, should seriously consider Andy's new clear headlight lense. No I'm not the middleman who will take orders or will field all questions. I will answer some of the easier ones but I will always defer to Andy. He's already had someone develope a website to sell this and a few other future products that will enable the buyer to do the click and buy now type of thing from. So, take the time to register on 3ZC if you've got aspirations of improving your Z's lighting. Cheers, John
Excerpts from Andy's Clear Headligh Thread The possibilities of having a clear lense; The above the following are from JDM's attempt at better illumination though a projector upgrade. You will see his dramatic improvements only to be let down at the end of it all due to the outer fluted lense and his failed attempt ast year at a clear lense. Now we have that hurdle conquered. Lets also bear in mind that when we get to the stage of opening up our healight shells that this presents the perfect opportunity for us to make a much needed cleaning of our projector lense. More info to follow when it becomes available.
can I post yet? hey guys just wanted to give you all a big hello from North Georgia , USA. What do you think about what I've come up with? this is not the end of it by no means. I have a very nice "dungeon" at my house. Again thanks to John for posting and linking my stuff here. Hope to talk with you gentlemen much more. If anyone has any questions at all , feel free to emil me at andy93zx@hotmail.com
you serious ,you only read this forum ,i reckon 300zxc is about the best zed forum on the net,join up slacker :zlove: Hi Andy,ive seen some of your work,nice stuff
Interesting... Neither NZD or AUD currency is strong atm compared to the USD....but if the price is not too bad I will definitely be in for a set. GB Shipping always help too I guess Any info about the Jspec headlight covers? If I was to open my headlights then I'll put that in too....
Very interested pending price. Personally I think clean looking headlights are one of the best looking features on a car
This was intended to eliminate the fluting on the inside of the lense. Something that is common to every spec Z32 made. It also eliminates the exterior nipples found on the USDM models. From what I've seen the basic shape of the lense is the same for all Z32's. If you're refering to the difference between J Spec and others WRT how the flair of the beam is projected to illuminate the curb side of the road, that is a function of the shields within the projector itself. When utilizing the clear exterior lense the projector will still be able to illuminate the curb side regardless if it's RHD or LHD. If you have intentions of modifying the way your headlights illuminate the curb side, I suggest you go to the HID Planet Forums. There you can find DIY threads to modify and make your own projector shields to produce the type of beam pattern desired. May I also add that ALLL of our Z32 headlights have a certain degree/amount of light altering film contained on the inside portion of the 2.5" projector lense. When the headlight is opened to do the outside lense replacement, this will present a perfect opportunity for you to clean the crud off of the inside of the 2.5" projector lense. I've already addressed that in a previous post. As I said already, this is going to be very cost effective. I can't see there being any issues if there's one of you guys here that wants to take it upon himself to act as a focal point for a bulk order. I guess you could say that the initial release of these will be similar to a GB if you're equating a huge price difference between regular and GB. I don't belive you'll see that. Those that are really really worried/concerned about price I suggest you go to www.300zxclub.com and do a search for threads started by Andy WRT some of his other little projects. You'll notice that his pricing that's offered for things like keychains, licence plate holders, etc are extremely low. This is not a venture for him to "get rich quick". If you take the time to go through the first link in the first post you'll see how he was able to accidentally stumble upon someone who's within the manufacturer community that is going to make this very cost effective. When you do register on 3ZC you may also discover that Andy has the wheels in motion to manufacture nicely done door sills. I would venture to say that they should be offered for a considerable amount less than what was available from Smithy's in the UK. More on that perhaps later. Lopsided postioning of your HID bulb (globe)??? I believe I posted something about that WRT the use of an H3 globe to replace the H3C when doing an HID upgrade. It's been covered and posted in here somewhere. I just inserted some pre shaped small piece of metal on the seat where the globe sits it so as to allow it to sit perfectly square within the projector reflector housing and giving a more focused and concentrated beam pattern. It was a bit tricky yo position a small metal insert and then cement it in place, but it worked and improved the light beam pattern.
I'm sorry, a bit of a mix-up on my part. I believe you're refering to the inserts that are replica's of the 99/00 spec Xenon lights. Yes, Andy is trying to find a willing soul who has a good set of those inserts so as to produce a bulk amount of those as well. Andy was looking to find such a person who can loan him a set so as to have them reproduced professionally on a large scale. Like I said, he's got the services of a manufacturer at present who is willing to take on a few challenges at the moment and the clear lenses is one and Andy is R&D'ing the possibility of doing the replicas of the oem Xenon inserts as well. Seems like a great idea since the headlight will be open anyway to install the clear lense. Yes Andy has mentioned the possibility of these lenses being smoked or coloured as well. Personally, I think that's a bit rice'ish. If one really wants to have coloured lenses why not just get some vht nightshades film and install it over the outside of the lense. Once the fad or novelty wears off, it's amatter of peeling it off and restoring your headlights back to mormal appearance. The whole purpose of having the clear lenses made was to improve our overall light output from our existing headlights. Having some sort of colour or smoked appearance to them seems to be self defeating the whole process, doesn't it? When appearance and vanity get in the way of function than that's the same threshold where it goes from an accepatbale mod to a rice mod - but that's just me.
Some of Andy's current projects that are already in process. Door sills; http://www.300zxclub.com/showthread.php?t=149075 Battery Tie-down; http://www.300zxclub.com/showthread.php?t=148072 Custom local club stickers; http://www.300zxclub.com/showthread.php?t=147652 Custom Keychains; http://www.300zxclub.com/showthread.php?t=147650 Custom Licence Plate Holders; http://www.300zxclub.com/showthread.php?t=146316 Custom Nissan Logo (hamburger) replacement; http://www.300zxclub.com/showthread.php?t=146321 Custom Ball Caps; http://www.300zxclub.com/showthread.php?t=147821 Yes, Andy is an enthusiast.
Thanks John. Yeah, confusing first reply. I was indeed talking about the Jspec/99spec inserts, glad we got to a common wavelength there. Different Z slang and wording can change the question entirely Interesting to see if Andy can his hands on them so we end up able to buy both headlight covers and inserts at the same time. I am sure you know this by now but those inserts will be best vacuum metallised to achieve the bronze look on the jspec or even chrome (which I think will look quite nice). Do not paint them it will not work. If Andy is going to get them painted I'd rather buy a unpainted one and get it vacuum metallised myself. 100% with you on the smoke/blue tint headlights. After reading all these post. I am sure you are right and price won't be out of this world. Consider me in this GB please
The lenses will be a drop in replacement for factory. They are actually on the plane to the manufacturer at this moment. The cost will be affordable for anyone in the world....My first priority. These will be UV treated , scratch resistant. I will keep you Aussies updated just like my buddies in USA Thanks alot LOWZX , that black beauty is looking great. I will keep you Aussies updated. ? I not out to rape anyone on the price...Last thing I want is 500 sets of lenses , minimum order and someone says they will do them for $2 less...Oh god I would be homeless , my wife would make me buy a box. Very cost effect...very good John.....These will be exact replicas except for the "flutes" , these are called wrinkles in North Georgia. The Nipples...well we call Nipples nipples here too. Got them...done , USDM and JDMs on the way to my house . Will be in my labortory middle of next week. I am producing a "clip" in JDM version for the "USDM" housings. Damn , that is one happy looking Zx , how do you Aussies like the emblem? John , you are one hell of a PR man.
Sometimes we have to band together as enthusiasts to make significant things happen. Hopefully, there will be other similar souls that will want to do the same on tt.net and NICO Club as well.
Hi John, you can count me in as interested in a set of lenses (probably 2 sets). Don't mind the inserts also depending on what the final cost is. Tony
I consider myself a tt.net man, I can't say I got into 3zc. If you want me to I don't mind helping and spreading the word. However in saying that there might be better candidates to do the job in terms of location. It might be easier if you find someone within the US, New Zealand is after all half the world away. However if you can't find anyone I will gladly be of assistance.
Hot diggidy!!! They're awesome! Count me in, and I reckon my brother-in-law will be in too. After looking at your proto-type photos, they definitely modernise and clean up the front of the Zed.
I believe that Andy is taking note of the interest by checking in on this thread routinely. I now think that perhaps I may have posted this in the wrong section. Mods, if there's a more appropriate place to reposition this thread so that it gets better (read more) exposure, please feel free to move. Pilot.P - Thanks for the offer for tt.net.