Shave Shave Shave What better way to spend a cold, wet night then to put the heater on in the shed and find something to do on the car. With nothing particular in mind I ended up doing this .
Did my first ever plenum pull today. That was fun Changed over a dodgy injector while I was at it. Tucked away some more wires while I was at it. Put my new polished plenum on and it runs perfectly, VERY HAPPY Just need to polish up my throttle bodies.
It's been a while so here is some newbies for the girl Had these Work EuroLine wheels brought over from Japan. Arrived Monday morning There is a company down in NSW who is widening the wheels for me so will have 9's on front and 11's on rear Test fit Onto some other parts Yellow to bad boys, just waiting for Nistune board to come then dyno tune. New 324 Brembo rotors & rears Finally get to remove some more clutter in the bay due to this little guy. Haven't had one of these for a year so I'm glad to finally cover up that water hose. Ordered these to help solve a wheel shake problem I was having but solved the problem before I even installed these bad boys No more dirty engine bay Now I can see the deer in the headlights with my new HID's 35w 6000 For some reason one warms up faster then the other but after 20 seconds they are both the same colour Rather then painting these I decided to wrap them New custom 15" sub enclosure. Takes up no more or less room as it does not enter the boot space . Also still have full vision out the rear window. So that has been my progress over the past couple of months.
Dismantled my callipers tonight ready to be sandblasted tomorrow. Kept the Pistons in so the chamber walls don't get damaged. Rebuild kit and braided lines should be coming soon. This is what they will look like Purple chameleon paint Or this not sure yet Purple metallic
Well done dude. Wrapped outlet pipes look good, though it's odd to not have the others match. Who in NSW is widening the wheels? The only local crowd I knew of that would do it wanted 1.5 times what Eastern Wheel Works/Whitehorse Industries down in Vic wanted; I assumed they were subletting the work to those guys and just chucking a margin on.
Yeah defiantly man it was just one of those little things I never got around to doing but glad to have it done now. Brings the colour right down the side of the engine. Import monster in vic are the guys who brought them over for me and they recommended a company called "All Aluminium Welding". The reviews iv read have been top notch, unsure of the price as I have not heard back from them yet. I'm hoping to not pay more them $350 a wheel as I still have to pay postage there and back
Well yeah otherwise I wouldn't have bought them. Hahah But seriously I know it's a headache and most people wouldn't be stuffed with this kind of thing and just buy the right size wheels to start with. I get satisfaction and really enjoy the journey of customising things. In the end I have something that no one else has.