So I thought it's about time I started a build thread I brought my zed a few weeks before Christmas 2014 as a TT auto with a blown head gasket and no rego or roady, and subsequently spent my Christmas break getting it back on the road. The car was relatively untouched with only an exhaust, rims, pod filter, and a (broken) aftermarket stereo and it has a very tidy interior and straight pannels. So far I've done a manual conversion, NA rear end conversion, polyurethane bushings, tiens, and a temporary NA engine swap as I'm still on P plates and the TT will be getting rebuilt and put back in. I've also been doing a general tidy up all round with small additions such as a new stereo, gauge rings, spoiler, wire tucking, and floor for the boot. Pics from a while back: I'll put up more photos of how it sits at the moment later this week
Absolutely love it man. So good to see a car that was previously neglected endup in the hands of someone who takes pride in his possessions. I know You have many thing to add to this thread so I looking forward to reading about it all. BRING ON THE TT !!! Keep up the good work mate
Thanks and yes, I can't wait for the TT either :br: I've always had a thing for wooden interiors, never seen it done in a 300 before though
So here's some photos of the exterior, obviously a respray is a high priority and the front wheels will hopefully be back on the car soon. One of the rims got damaged in a small incident involving a gutter and wet roads and is currently at a shop getting repaired.
So forgive me but... if it had bad paint, bad motor and an auto tranny why did you buy the car in the first place?
No, worries TBH it was not the best base to start with if I wanted to get it on the road as cheap and as soon as possible, but I had time restraints to find and buy the car, and it was the most suitable one out there at the time. I also wanted a car that I could respray and do an engine rebuild on eventually so those two faults didn't concern me too much. No point getting a car with good paint if it's just getting sanded back.
Good to see this coming along mate, you are a doer for sure. I still have the red wreck you have been pulling bits from, I want it gone ASAP before my wedding. Be interested in taking it off my hands cheap?