My Automatic had a large aftermarket cooler it was connected to. So I don't know the original connections to TT radiator. As the FSM doesn't appear to show me; Which of the Automatic's hard lines feed the TT radiator's top oil connection?
Well, with some tedious scrolling through the major overhaul procedure of the Automatic, I found that the High left banjo hard pipe connection is flow Out-> to the cooler and Low right is the flow in <- from the cooler. If following what I've read with oil flow, The top oil connection is flow back to Automatic.
So, you're wanting to run your AT fluid through an OEM TT radiator. Are you ditching the aftermarket AT fluid cooler or are you setting up to run both?
NI85, for your amusement mate - Here's some aftermarket ATF cooler setups I tried early in my rebuild, around 11 years ago. I'm using a large aftermarket radiator with no provision for ATF cooling or initial warming. * This was after fitting a 3000 RPM torque converter. Don't do that on a street driven TT. Just don't. The first try, 2 coolers mounted almost horizontally with a bypass thermostat to help get the ATF temp up quicker so as to allow overdrive and lockup to happen quicker in winter. Keep in mind that the OEM setup doesn't just cool the ATF, it also heats it from a cold start via the radiator. Soon after that I had a Toshi road tune, during summer. Up lots of hills and mountains. Saw the ATF temps hit 132*C and wanted more cooling. Second try, 3 ATF coolers in a staggered arrangement with the remote thermostat removed. Lots of overthink and overkill. I'm still running that 2nd setup. It works for storming hills on a hot day or crawling through the burbs in a traffic jam with a 3K torque converter. Not so great on winter mornings, I can't get above 3rd gear for ages. But it's a weekender, not a daily. Hah, the old girl matches me in that regard - takes a while to limber up on cold mornings
The car I have, would just be a DD. The after market cooler it had was the size of the AC condenser. --- Thanks for the pictures. If cooling is that bad: to run multiple coolers, wouldn't it be more the point to stick to a medium size and have a dedicated fan?
I've been using a single external cooler setup for the auto Z32TT for like 20yrs, it sits inside the lower bumper bar opening next to the engine OEM oil cooler and gets full air flow. The auto has a modified valve body and is working like a champ It certainly gets hot to the touch.
I haven't actually touched the car for a while. PS pump was next issue... just waiting on my motivation to kick back in to complete.
Thanks geron. I'm guessing you are running the stock spec torque converter rather than a modded one like idiot me ?
Yes, stock torque converter! I found the 'best modification' to the auto was the valve body mod done about 20yrs ago now with the cooler. The gears just pop in so fast, like a modern auto, no mucking around!
Just rebuild the PS pump! Not sure if refurb kits are available, they should be perhaps Z1 or CZP or ebay. That was one of the jobs done to the Z when I got it back in 2003 or 2005 sometime, I can't recall exactly now, super easy to do and it will last pretty much forever using fully synthetic auto tranny fluid and replacing it once in a blue moon, LOL.