hi, a little background: i have a US spec 1995 Z32 TT, manual trans., but both me and my car is in China. The radio frequency here in china is 88 - 108 MHZ. The US spec OEM bose radio's frequency range is roughly the same in China. However, the US spec clarion/bose radio can only see odd-number frequencies, such as 102.7, 102.9, 100.3. In China the frequency is something like 106.8, 99.6 , etc. That means buying a US spec radio to use in China isn't going to do it. so my question is: if the Australia market OEM radio can be used in China, I.E. frequencies to be ending at even numbers such as 106.8 , 102.4, and if the range is roughly the same ( 88mhz to 108 mhz)
I'd really like to have the OEM radio. But the 300zx wasn't sold in China(where i'm located) when they were released and for sale.
In theory it'd work, you'd have to find someone with an OEM radio to check. Hardest part would be finding an OEM radio I reckon. I believe Japan has the same freq range as us so you might be able to find one there as well.
I'm back, gang. Actually, the hardest part to find, a few days ago, is an OEM battery box/cover, which I successfully purchased on Nov.25,2021 in Oregon, US. Congrats myself. Then i was like..... er.... I need the original battery, at least I need a picture to see what does it look like so that I can do a reproduction label or something. I posted on facebook and nobody knows.
You mean, you need the battery code to see which type of battery fits inside the battery cover? Century Ultra Hi Performance 4X4 Battery for Nissan 300Zx Z31 Z32 Datsun 300C | eBay NS70LX MF
oh, ah ha, no. I was trying to make a reproduction label and then find a look-alike battery to mimic an out-of-the-factory original 300zx battery. Just an OCD I had, you know. So i want to find a photo, even a blurrish one(better than what I have). These are the best resolution I can find. One is from top gear's 300zx review youtube video, the other one is from a stock photo or something
The battery number you need is 55d23l or a 75d23l. The ns70 listing on century's website is wrong. As for frequencies the jdm radios range from 60 - 90 mhz fm. Pretty much useless here in australia, i know i have one.
Mate I understand what you're trying to do, kudos for chasing the details. But batteries with exposed caps for the individual cells are as rare as Y-front underpants these days and just as un-desireable to behold
I've already have the caps ready to be painted to orange.( they are black now, coming from a new battery) I just need the labels on top of the battery. together with the battery cover/box I just bought, man, its as if I had a time machine back to the 90's
Wow you really are on a mission mate! Shades of the Back To The Future movie franchise starting from 1985 Apparently a silver Z31 300ZX turbo auditioned for the role but lost out to the DeLorean because A - Its doors opened sideways, not upwards. B - It could actually hit 88 mph, so that bit of drama would have been lost. C - It had a Japanese accent, they wanted an American accent.
speaking of which, I have a list of things that i need to restore to OEM. It has 124 items on the list. the last item on the list is: 124. The air in the tires are not from Japan, i.e. not oem.
124: take the car to Japan to get air in tires then take to Suzuka Circuit racing track or whatever Japanese racing track takes your fancy. 125... Japanese racing driver/chauffeur for Full Japanese driving experience. 126.. Just move to Japan
Hmm, how can we help you to sort that? Best I can come up with on the spot - Drive to a nearby Sushi bar, take an air compressor with you, with a long length of hose hooked up to its' inlet port. Park behind the place where it's kinda dark. Let all the Australian air out of your tyres then put your compressors' long ínlet hose near the restaurants' air con exhaust and pump up your tyres. Not perfect sorry but better minds on this Forum will come up with better solutions
got something more promising. Its a maxima battery, but it seems to be the same as the z32s. It seems to be a panasonic branded battery, any one?