Couple of members On here are privy to his addy, thought that info had been passed along. Been reliably informed that he has been selling on e-bay.
Hey, back on topic with the widebody thing... Is the whole kit widebody? Or just the sideskirts? I've seen a few different front bars on these kits.. Could I buy the Af Blug sideskirts and then buy a different brand of front bar and rear bar?
with the kit you get front & rear guards, sideskirts, upper & lower door ad ons. See photo below from abflug website. then you use whatever front & rear bar you like, believe rear bar needs to be wider but front is normal. cheers, tim
Wow, thakns for that Tim Great info. I can see why a wider rear bar would be needed. I wonder how much the kit would set me back, minus the front bar.
the kit without any bars is in the $4-$5k region shipped, not cheap... fittings not cheap either, its basically a stupidly expensive exercise. looks awesome though. Rob260 brought in a few genuine bars a while back (not available in aus, only japan) & the front bar in your avatar was about $1200 each, anything ab-flug is gonna cost you big. cheers, tim
And if I may raise my hand here, also had a GB going at the time of AMEC's demise (albeit with much less money involved) and asked me to take over. A more sensible approach than dissapearing with money IMO... and everyone got the product they were after, in the end.
much as I love the look of the kit... I cant help wonder how much weight it adds to the Zed? I LOvE it as said, but when fitted...does a kit like this always nag at you as being "stuck on" as in (as with any wide body kit) its just more "plastic" glued onto the body of the car Sure a professional fit and paint will mean the un-trained eye would never know.... but you'd know I LOVE the design. I hate the idea. Dunno. Want wide an NSX. You may even end up with cash left over I guess what im trying to say is, when I wash my car... the metal bits feel "right". Nice, metal, solid. When im washing the front bar and skirts they feel cheep and nasty and crap. To think of having a car 60% "plastic" as I wash it.... makes me shiver lol
I'm guessing this is Jeremy??? I quickly made this account up. As i saw this on google and thought it was worth giving some advice. The wheels in relation to the guard are quite small (18"x10.5 114.3) The fronts are 245 size and the rears being 265 and they are still dwarfed by the guards, even though they have giant ass spacers like you mentioned. I am purchasing a set of Greddy suspension and dampers along with a set of 19" x 11.5 114.3 TE37's all round with a +12 offset to help reduce that problem. And just to finish it off Project Mu 6 Piston forged sport brake kit with 355mm rotors (also Project Mu) and 4 piston rear 320mm rotors. My advice is simple despite it being extremely obvious. Do it right the first time round, and don't waste the money on short cuts. My car slides around like its raining everyday over bumps and turns and it doesnt help when it actually is raining too! Not to mention i spent over 20K due to mess ups and refittings..painting and issues with the car, when it could have cost me nearly half that. You'll find with most projects such as wide body designs and applications that are not done every day, tend to be alot more expensive than you originally concive. What may look like a rough $9000 job may (and most likely WILL) turn out to be something in the vacinity of $10-12K+ job. Always add a few grand to the total budget, just so your not let down when you feel your wallet lighten up more than you expected. That way if it does work out, you have a few more grand to chuck onto something else... Just make sure you have EVERYTHING sorted before you even start looking at spending the cash, ask 101 questions and go to people instead of assuming. That would be the mistake i made
i want one. who can still get one of these legibly? 4-5k landed is not that bad. can rob260 get this, if he is getting abflug genuine stuff?
Short answer yes, but i doubt you'd see much change from $7k. Exchange rate against the yen is way down from last year and air freight for a package this big would not be cheap... Plus tax and other incidental costs. But yeah can get it, if that figure is in your budget shoot me a pm and we can start the ball rolling.
Nothing to do with that -why would i sell someone a body kit that i know is going to have it copied on the cheap and undercut any of my future sales? I don't make alot on these (only broke even on the front bars), if someone wants to produce knock offs they can invest their own time and money as far as i'm concerned.
I was joking by the way. I highly doubt that Rod is going to pay all that money and then let other people copy the kit.
7k landed at my door? would i have full coverage if someone decided to steal my $$? like import insurance? and no the body kit would not be copied or mass produced. however if i wait until the yen picks back up, and can get my own delivery company including freight from where ever it is, to my door, the price should be significantly less yeah? my max budget for this kit is 5k landed. fitment i have organised already. rob260 can you atleast PM me the company your working in conjunction with? seriously interested but i want as much info before i invest this amount of money. kindest regards. rod.