some have said "looks shit" They forgot to type "the" in the middle. Looks THE shit to me Friggin awesome re-design of the car The only bits I dont like is front bar looks to have very small mouth. Dont like the double oposite venting on the sides that much. Rear vent is ok, but not sure about the front top vent. Rear looks HOT....maybe better wingless? EDIT: Shame it looks ONLY 2 seater. If I had a 2 seater zed with no kit and needed a paint job.... I'd consider this for sure.
I think this kit murders a perfectly good car!!! It's the complete opposite of how a 300ZX should look. It should be clean lines, smooth and sleek, sexy... This sure as shit isn't it Absolutely horrendous
Thats the thing, i dont think they are trying to make it look like a modded 300zx...but more of an entire new car....if you dont look at it as a modded zed then i think it looks good as an entire new designed car
im so with you on this eric. I think buying a CHEEP Zed with good interior but "needs tlc" on the outside and blow engine.... then.... Buy THIS kit,. and throw in a VH45 Conversion (coz lets face it, VG30DETT with THAT kit would be "all show and no go") and DAMN you've got a hot car right there.
Don't like it at all...looks like it's made from foamcore panels..but each to their own, individuality is a good thing. on the other hand.... in red!
i like it.. something different and aggressive. plus like cherryZ said, i reminds me of a modern 928 porsche, which i have always loved! is this a one off kit?
How did you do that? Paint over it with red and then take the opacity down? I didn't think of that I'm a photoshop n00b though. Put the 350Z indicators on it
No where near as good looking as the BEET Kit in my opinion(and panel fit is abysmal). Where are the taillights? Me no see(I only see indicators).
3rded. But i still like this kit if alignment was sorted. This thread seriously had me contemplating my dreams of supercar ownership, and changing them for a WILD zed project like this...with a TT V8 in it of course. Would b MUCH cheeper to complete than buying a Fezza/Lambo, and be drivable every day AND MUCH MUCH cheeper to insure and maintain..... it's a thinker EDIT: What worries me about this "supercar Zed" idea though is.... how much does a "stick on" kit like this weigh? Does any of the original bodywork get removed? (dont flame.... I dont know how wide body kits work) If all this does is ADD weight, then that's a real shame as that's kind of pointless and turns it into nothing but rice
I saw an Alfa Romeo GT drive past the other day and the would-be tailights reminded me of that. That said however, the alfa destroys this design in terms of class. Sorry guys, I think it looks horrible. I like how they've tried to make a wide body car, but it just really doesn't work.