How many Zeds where imported last year

Discussion in 'Technical' started by cbzx, Aug 17, 2005.

  1. cbzx

    cbzx cbzx

    I seam to see a zed for sale on every corner!
    mostly, recently imported ones?
    sunshine coast area,what are other places like.
  2. -_-StRyDeR-_-

    -_-StRyDeR-_- New Member

    you see them lookin for them!! lol

    im tryin to buy a nice clean one(i think im to fussy), and you see them everywhere, and others on this forum have MORE then 1... life is so unfair haha.

    ZWEETT Active Member

    It's all those people that jumped on the 15year old bangwagon

    Buying cheap zeds

    Before the government stopped it,

    They got their cheap car though every thing was sweet, get the car and full of problems. and then off load it.

    Usually young people, who can't afford to pay for z labor/part costs and cant do the work them selves.

    that's what I think any way.
  4. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    I agree with that Scott. Btw, Love the Sig pic :thumbsup:

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