czp how do you order?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by method, Jun 21, 2004.

  1. method

    method Active Member

    I am going to order service parts but not an entire kit. I emailed coz to ask how to order and pay for them but still waiting on a reply just wondering if anyone knows the link on their site where you can add single parts to your cart. I must be going blind.Thanks
  2. dazmelb

    dazmelb New Member

    I actually think u cant used the order form

    online because it doesnt have the address fields which are suited for Australia! You might be better of doing it over the phone which I ended up doing because of a really slow email response.daz
  3. NVS300

    NVS300 New Member

    Hi Method

    ORdering needs to be done online. You input as much information as you can. Then when you get to the comments field, you can enter the full details with a note.That's what I was advised to do by CoZ. Good luck mate. =)

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