yeah I'd suggest altering the Dip code > See if that fixes your problem. Depending on the brand etc. you will probably have to unscrew the...
Congratulations Geoff!!! :* :* :YD Top effort mate, truly well done! Are the public still able to visit the Obs? I'd be keen to bring Sarah...
Thanks Guys, feel better reading your >> responses... Loosing the Zed is like going through a kind of mourning process...8( :`(
Thanks Lloyd, very kind words Please pass on our warmest regards to Lyn as well as yourself.We will definitely continue on as a "social members"...
Hey Guys, sad day indeed :`( - hardest thing to watch ever - the Zed driving away for good... 8( I know I've been away from this site for a fair...
Damn how do I get an R2D2 Unit 4 my Zed? (n/m) N/M
You still playing Cricket Dinesh? We got whipped on the weekend... Both of the opposition openers got centuries... 8(
I think she looks like a "Lucy"... (n/m) N/M
I see you upgraded while in for service huh> So what did you get a K&N nose filter, titanium nasal extractors? Can wait to see your kleenex dyno...
Yeah, best wishes Geoff...:YD (n/m) N/M
Sad to hear that mate :( Hope your okay. I can empathise, I find loosing a pet very hard...
Nah, I own the Aus Version > it has a different engine... (no 4WD or Turbo I'm afraid :`( ) Anyways Blip - you can't talk! :>< x( What...
Them's fightin' words Blip! :x 8( :P (n/m) N/M
Well - when there is an approved RAW! At present there are none, so even though the model of car might be technically on the DoTARs list as...
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