"like fumes through my x pipe, so are the days of our lives."

Discussion in 'Technical' started by roi, Jul 1, 2005.

  1. roi

    roi wallet inspector

    For those who need to know but aren't informed.
    Simon at TTZED has tried so hard to get these x pipes in top nick. however his manufacturer, who had the jig for these xpipes made to mimick his setup, have buggered it up.
    It's not a total disaster, but there is a small drama.

    I picked up my x pipe for my 2 seater na.
    They fitted length, bore and all dimensions except the "stud pattern" was about .25" out.
    so it will not bolt in.

    Solution: Simon will test one of the x pipe's that hasn't been delivered ( it could be your exact pipe- exciting!) and will fit it to his 2 seater.
    Either my car has mongrel cat's and rear mufflers so the x pipe doesn't fit (as opposed to my claim that my pipes are stock), or the jig is inaccurate.
    judging by how the studs were only JUST out of align, then i think my exhaust is stock and the measurements were a smidgen out.

    SO! simon will let me (and you) know what is the call, whether i've buggered him around, or he's doing it to me.
    The good news is for those who thought it was too much of a hassle to get one of these pipes because it was too hard to get the old pipe out and the new pipe in, It's a piece of pie. 3/8" or 10mm spanner (depending on whether you rounded the nut or not) a 14mm spanner and a 17mm spanner.
    hey presto you have no exhaust.

    The x pipes may need to have the bolt holes elongated, or have the end brackets re drilled all together.

    ps, if any one wants theirs picked up, i can do so.

  2. DinoZ

    DinoZ Talks sh#t for a living.

    I know its a PITA to mod something that is supposed to fit, but as the

    stud pattern only differs by 1/4", it should be easy to die grind 1/8" on each hole and then the pipes should sleeve together OK
  3. roi

    roi wallet inspector

    yers you are probably on the money there.

    i was thinking of doing that and saving me doing the job twice, by grinding it out while it was on the hoist.

    Although, what would happen if i didn't grind them properly? and then the pipes may not marry up and the flow might be restricted.

    oh yeah, the weight difference in the pipes is significant. Plus if you yell into one end of the xpipe while the other end is near a cat...cat goes BWAH!
    with jumping motions to match.


    DVIOUS a.k.a TZA

    Well, at least its not a huge error if its the X-pipes at fault!

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