Driving along the highway this morning (doing about 90ks) and my NIssan cut out. NO power going to anything for about 2-4 seconds. Then kicked back in again as normal. While trying to find somewhere to pull over about 200 metres down the road it cut out again but then did not come back on. Managed to pull the car over into an emergency bay but it would not start. After getting it towed to safety to look at it..It started again. I have an after market alarm in the car, but other nissan fans feel it might be the CAS. HICAS light has been on for a while also. cheers
originally my cas plug had no wire clip, when accelerating and sometimes while turning the plug would move enough to break contact and the engine would stop, the plug itself still looked properlseated and it too some time to actually find it - in fact about the time it took my wife to walk 2 1/2 kms home and get the other car to tow me home I found the issue about 30 secs before she pulled up. needless to say I was in a bit of $**t